  • 期刊


The Interactivity Effects of Computer-Mediated Political Communication


網路政治傳播研究是近年來網路研究領域中相當受到矚目的焦點。本文以推敲可能模式(Elaboration Likelihood Model)以及兩個理論面向的網路互動性為研究架構,探討選舉期間政治性網站的溝通效果是否會因為網站的互動性而增加。研究方法採行90年代以來網路心理研究提倡的線上實地實驗法(Online Field Experiment),在控制網站使用者既有的政治態度變數後,假設政治網站的互動性越高,使用者的網站喜好度、政治學習效果、對政治人物親和力的感受、對選舉議題感受的切身相關性、以及對選舉感知的涉入程度等效果皆會隨之提高。 研究結果發現,政治網站互動性與傳播效果之間的關係,並非一種線性正比的關係。中度互動的政治網站,在許多情況下都比高度互動網站或低度互動網站產生較佳的傳播效果,呈現了一種「倒V字型」的網路政治傳播效果。


While many researchers speculated the influence of the Internet in politics, Taiwan’s 2000 presidential election provided a timely opportunity for testing the impacts of web interactivity on computer-mediated political communication (CMPC). This study applies Elaboration Likelihood Model and two theorized aspects of web interactivity to suggested that, by controlling voters’ previous political attitudes towards the candidates and campaign issues, online communication effects will increase as a result of the growing interactivity of campaign information websites. Results of online experiments showed that the interactive level of a candidate website might not linearly contribute to positive web campaigning effects. In some cases, moderate interactivity may generate more optimal effects than higher interactivity. In other cases, it may be voters’ political interest in election campaigns that predominantly determine online campaigning effects. In addition, the results did not show a significant relationship between political interest and web interactivity. Across the five hypotheses, web interactivity did not differentiate online communication effects due to voter’s motivation or ability to process political messages. The impacts of web interactivity seem falling in the middle of the continuum of elaboration likelihood, that is, the “gray area” where people use varying amounts of both types of processing to attend to web campaign messages.


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