  • 期刊


Treatment Fidelity in the "Literacy First Program for Secondary Schools"




Purpose: Treatment fidelity refers to the methodological strategies used to monitor and enhance the reliability and validity of interventions, and is defined as the degree to which a treatment is implemented as planned; it plays a crucial role in evidence-based practices (EBP) and response to intervention (RTI) approaches. If researchers fail to document treatment fidelity, they cannot legitimately claim that a particular intervention was responsible for observed changes in participants' behaviors. Moreover, if practitioners cannot collect objective data on treatment implementation, they may abandon effective interventions that are poorly or inconsistently implemented and consequently appear ineffective. For decades, a consensus has developed regarding the need for educational practitioners and researchers to address treatment fidelity concerns. Hence, this study explored the treatment fidelity of the "Literacy First Program for Secondary Schools" (LFPSS) that was designed with components of EBP and RTI. Method: The LFPSS was implemented to remediate low-achieving Chinese students in 12 junior high schools. The level of exposure, adherence, quality of delivery, differentiation of program, and responsiveness of participants were the treatment fidelity aspects used to determine the reliability and validity of the program. The ratings from LFPSS instructional video, teachers' self-ratings regarding instruction fidelity, records of regular supervision meetings, ratings of supervisors, program manuals, and serial teacher development of the program comprised the data collected and analyzed. All data was analyzed through percentage, descriptive statistical analysis, and Pearson's product-moment correlation. Reliability was indicated by the percentage of agreement between self-rated fidelity and rating observed from videos, whereas validity consisted of content and criterion validity. Results: The major findings were as follows: (a) Various constructs of fidelity were found with different levels of fidelity; in particular, time management and adaptive instruction with students' responses were the primary items in which teachers failed to follow the standardized procedure. Orthographic strategy, facilitating students' generalizations of learning, and cooperative learning were the items teachers failed to reach. (b) A moderate positive correlation was found between treatment fidelity and level of treatment outcome. (c) Level of exposure, adherence (competence), and quality of delivery were critical to the successful implementation of LFPSS. (d) Inconsistency between the intentions and actions of teachers was noted; specifically, teachers' engagement (i.e. quality of delivery), as rated by their supervisors, was negatively correlated to the competence of teachers. Implications: According to the results of this study, we suggest that future intervention research should aim to demonstrate treatment fidelity through individual- and intervention-level aspects. Furthermore, researchers and practitioners could address the dependence of treatment fidelity on adherence (competence dimension), which is important and relatively easy to document.


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