  • 期刊


Effect of Stretching Exercises on Improving the Lower Back Pain of the Nursing Staff


爲探討伸展運動訓練課程對改善護理人員下背痛之效果,採個案對照法之類實驗設計,以結構性問卷收集授運動前基本資料,後測資料則分別於伸展運動訓練課程第二週、第四週、課程結束後一個月收集。於台北某醫學中心之護理人員進行收案共15人。研究工具包括:個人基本資料、Roland背痛失能問卷(Roland back pain disability questionnaire)、Oswestry失能指數(The Oswestry Disability Index)、運動自我效能量表。資料分析採用t-test、repeat measures ANOVA。結果顯示:1.護理人員肌肉骨骼症狀以下背最常見,13人(86.7%);2.下背痛引發日常功能失能的情形,以「舉重物」影響甚劇(M=2.33分,SD=1.589);3.下背痛者在課程進行至第二週其症狀開始出現改善,慢性失能狀態則在八次課程後,Oswestry失能指數明顯下降。運動自我效能在伸展運動課程進行中的效應最大,課程結束後一個月反應較不顯著。伸展運動加強腹部及背部肌肉負重力量,可以有效改善護理人員下背痛慢性失能的現況。此外,透過增強運動知覺利益、協助消除運動知覺障礙幫助下背痛患者由運動處理疼痛,減少身體不動所帶來的失能。


This study aims to investigate the effect of stretching exercises programs on improvement of lower back pain for nursing staff. The structural questionnaire was adopted to collect the data prior to the training class, the first post-training data was collected at the 2nd week (after four classes were completed), the second post-training data was collected at the 4th week (after eight classes were completed), and the third post-training data was collected at one month after the training classes. Fifteen nursing members were recruited for this study in a medical center in Taipei. The study tools included the demographic information questionnaire, Roland back pain disability questionnaire, Oswestry Disability Index, and Self-assessment of exercise efficacy. The data analysis was conducted with t- test and repeat measures ANOVA. The results showed that the most common muscleskeletal symptoms were located at the lower back 13(86.7%); the significant disability caused by lower back pain was lifting the heavy object (M=2.33, SD=1.589); lower back pain incurred to subjects improved from the 2nd week after the training program and the chronic disability condition marked by Oswestry Disability Index reduced significantly after eight training courses were finished. The self-assessment of exercise efficacy presented the greatest improvement during the training classes, however, it became less significant one month after the training was completed. The stretching exercises contributed to enhance the muscular strength for both abdominal and back muscles which is beneficial to improve the lower back pain and chronic disability for nursing staff.


