  • 學位論文


The Impact of Job Involvement on the relationship between Low Back Pain and Job Performance among Nursing Staff

指導教授 : 陳金淵


目的:在醫療機構角色轉為疾病預防與健康促進之際,為民眾健康把關之護理人員健康概念實現情形值得關切與重視。本研究旨在探討護理人員工作投入對下背痛與工作任務績效關係的影響情形。 方法:針對南區某區域教學醫院護理人員進行問卷調查,調查工具內容含下背痛程度、下背痛日常生活影響程度、工作任務績效、工作投入、個人背景資料等。收回資料以獨立樣本T檢定、單因子變數異分析、Pearson相關性分析及迴歸等方法進行驗證。 結論:受訪護理人員下背痛程度集中在3-5分(72.4%);不同人口學護理人員在下背痛構面上無顯著差異;已婚、生育數2個(含)以上、基層主管者、31-40歲、工作年資5-9年、N2職級護理人員在工作任務績效及工作投入有顯著差異。相關性檢定上,下背痛程度越高則疼痛日常生活影響程度越大、疼痛日常生活影響程度愈高,工作任務績效表現愈低、工作投入越高則工作任務績效越高;控制其他變項後下背痛日常生活影響程度對工作任務績效具負向預測效果;經迴歸檢定發現工作投入在下背痛與工作任務績效之間不具仲介效果。 研究建議:研究發現護理人員年齡、婚姻、生育數等變項與工作任務績效在統計上呈顯著差異,建議可透過職前訓練或在職教育訓練課程,增強個人預防下背痛能力,強化保健認知。檢定發現下背痛日常生活影響程度對工作任務績效具負向預測效果,主管宜適時給予臨床護理人員在工作上的協助,並避免造成工作時間過長、工作負荷過大或護理人力不足的情況,營造正向工作環境以提高工作投入表現。 關鍵字:下背痛、工作投入、工作任務績效


Objective:The role of medical institutions has been turning out to be disease prevention and health promotion. The first-line caregiver-nursing staff’s health status deserves more concern and attention. This study investigated the impact of low back pain of nursing staff on their task performance and work dedication. Furthermore, adjustment of the nurses' health management, work planning, education and training will be recommended. Methods: This study recruited the nursing staff of a regional teaching hospital in southern Taiwan. Four hundreds and ten questionnaires were issued and two hundreds and ten qualified questionnaires were collected. The analytical approches included independent samples T test, Pearson correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. Results: 72.4% of nurse’s back pain was scale 3-5. There was no significant difference of low back pain in demographic distribution. There was significant difference of demographic variables on task performance and work dedication. Positive correlation between work dedication and task performance was. Regression test revealed that work dedication playeda weak role in the relation between low back pain and task performance. Conclusion and Discussion: The study found that nurses' age, marital status, number of births, and task performance were statistically significant differences. It is recommended that pre-service training or on-the-job training programs can enhance the capability of the personal prevention of low back pain and strengthen health awareness. The study found that nurses' job involvement and task performance was positively correlated. The supervisors of should timely give a hand to the nursing staff, to avoid work overloading or caregiver manpower shortage, create a positive work environment in order to improve task performance. Key words: Low Back Pain, Job Involvement, Task Performance


