  • 期刊


A Study of Qualified and Unqualified Teachers in Primary and Secondary School


教師的素質是決定教育成敗的關鍵,因為教師的良窳,影響學生身心的成長與知能的啟發,以物質生活為導向的多元社會,在眾多的教師中難免有良莠不齊的成員,因此教育行政主管為維護教師的尊嚴,教育界清高形象,於是制定有關教師考核與獎懲辦法,來規範教師的權利與義務。教師既然許身為教育工作者,自應承擔起人師、經師的責任,自我約束與自我修持來提升自己,如果教師之言行舉止有違師道尊嚴時就會受到社會大眾的非議,教育行政當局就應透過獎勵與懲罰來維護教育工作者的形象與尊嚴,因此行政上應如何界定教師的良窳早就必須慎重,因為界定一位老師之適任與否,涉及老師之人格尊嚴,與教學專業自主,為維護尊師重道的精神與評量的公平公正,學校行政應訂定評量的規準、評量的程序、慎還評量的人員做為鑑定教師迫任與否的依據。本文分析國內不適任教師類別及形成原因,也引述美國各州地方政府協助教師成長的過程,提昇教師的教學能力之策略,以期「他山之石可以攻錯」,最後歸納出處理不適任老師之原則與方法供參考。學校行政如何協助教師成長, 以及如何處徑不過任的教師是當前教育行政的一項重要工作,最後期望學校中的教師個個都是良師,學校是提供學生學習最好的情境。


The crucial factor determining success or failure of education lies on teachers' competence, which influence students' physical and mental development and enlightenment of knowledge. In a material-oriented multifarious society, it is inevitable that, among numerous teachers, some are well qualified while others are incompetent. In order to maintain teachers' dignity and elevated image of education, education administrative authority makes regulations for rewarding and punishing teachers to regulate teachers' rights and regulations.Being devoted to education, teachers should teach students knowledge and life philosophy as well, self-regulate, and continne learning to improve themselves. When teachers' speech or behavior is beyond what is appropriate to their occupation, they will be criticized by the public. Education administrative authority should protect education professionals' image and dignity through reward and punishment. Therefore, the authority should be very prudential in designating teachers' qualifications. Evaluating a teacher's competency involves teachers' character and dignity and teaching professionalism. To sustain the spirit of respecting educationist and to be just and fair in evaluation, school administration should pin point the standard and procedure of evaluation and select evaluators to judge teachers' competency.This article analyzes categories and cause of formation of incompetent teachers and cites how state governments in the U.S.A. help teachers improve and provide strategies to reinforce teaching competence, hoping their experience will save our trial and error. Finally it induces principles and methods for reference in dealing with incompetent teachers. How school administration can help teachers to cultivate themselves and how to deal with incompetent teachers are important jobs for the education authority. We hope that every single teacher is competent and excellent and the school is the best place for students to learn.


