  • 期刊


Study on a Tobacco Preventive Education Intervention among the Vocational School Students in Taipei City


研究目的在探討菸害預防教育介入對高職學生的吸菸知識、吸菸態度、拒菸生活技巧、使用拒絕技巧可能性、拒菸自我效能和未來吸菸行為可能性的影響。 研究方法採用準實驗設計方式,以立意取樣方式選擇台北市兩所高職一年級學生為研究對象,其中一所學校為實驗學校,抽出兩班學生,進行菸害預防教育介入,另外再抽兩個班級做為校內對照組;另一所學校為對照組學校,抽取兩班學生,做為校外對照組。有效樣本人數共計172人。教育介入的時間是2003年11-12月與2004年3-4月,進行上、下學期各五節課(合計十節)的教育介入、於介入前一週進行前測及介入結束後一週進行後測,四個月後進行後後測。 研究結果發現經教育介入後,在控制前測表現後,教育介入具有立即效果,能提升實驗組學生的後測吸菸知識,顯著高於校內對照組與校外對照組;在延宕效果方面,介入提昇實驗組學生的後後測吸菸知識,並可降低學生後後測在「一個月內」、「六個月內」、「五年內」與「二十年內」的吸菸可能性,顯著優於校內對照組。 本研究建議高職階段應該有完整的菸害預防課程,可融入在高職1-2年級的「健康與護理」課程中,各學期皆能安排2-3節課的菸害預防教學內容,以協助高職學生勇於向菸說不,遠離菸害。


教育 預防 吸菸 菸害 高職


The aim of the study was to explore the effects of a smoking prevention education intervention, in terms of the knowledge of tobacco hazards, attitudes toward smoking, life skills, possible use of refusal skills, self-efficacy and smoking intention in the future among vocational high school students. The subjects were tenth-grade students from two purposively selected schools in Taipei City. The method of the study was quasi-experimental in nature. The total number of valid subject was 172. The study offered six prevention sessions to the subjects in November and December 2003, and in March and April 2004. The data was collected via a self-administrated questionnaire. The baseline survey was conducted a week before the intervention and the follow-up surveys were conducted in May and September 2004. The main results were presented as follows: 1. Compared with the two control groups, the intervention could significantly increase the knowledge of tobacco hazards of the experimental group in terms of immediate effects. 2. The intervention could significantly increase the Iuxow1cdgs of tobacco Lizards and decease smoking intention in the future among the experimental group compared with the same school control groups in terms of dc]ay effect. It was suggested that vocational schools should design cur1culum to assist tenth-to eleventh-grade students to resist smoking pressure and to strengthen their anti-smoking beliefs.


education prevention smoking tobacco hazard vocational school


