  • 期刊


Corpus Based Study of Interlanguage




The aim of this paper is to investigate the influence of L1 and L2 on learning a third language (L3), a non-English target language, as relates to Taiwanese learners’ L3 based on an annotated corpus of Spanish-English parallel written texts. With the help of editing and analyzing tools of this annotated corpus, we are going to examine the factors of influence, attribution, and connection which appear in written texts composed by the students who speak Chinese as their native language, English as second, and Spanish as third. This corpus has been constructed recently and the written data is limited, but we have been gradually expanding the quantity and variety since then. In the present study, we conclude that a second language has more impact than native language in errors produced by students whose Spanish is at low-median level. Besides, the influence of native language is more related with the errors of the conjugation of verbal inflection in tense and the usage of prepositions. Furthermore, the error types more associated with second language are spelling, concordance of nouns and use of prepositions.


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