  • 期刊


The Types and Effects of Impossibility in Civil Law




The types of non-performance in Civil Law mainly include ab initio/ subsequent, subjective/objective, temporary/ complete, legal/factual, partial/ whole impossibility of nonperformance. Whether all of aforesaid classifications applying in law have different effects and benefits or it is classified by theories, which involves with the issue that how to interpret the requirements of the classifications and how the articles of non-performance in Civil Law apply to the classifications. This paper will analyze the requirements of the classifications based on schoIars' theories and judicial opinions. In addition to commenting on various definitions and effects of the classification, this paper also explains the effects of non performance corresponding to the classifications. Furthermore, there are other derivative issues in every classification, such as the contractual effects of "subjective non performance ab initio" and the time of judging the non performance and so forth. The scholars' theories and judicial opinions of the former is related to the distinctions of the standard about subjective and objective non performance and the majority opinion creates one new type of non performance. But it is doubtful that the new type of non performance conforms to the legal structure of the Civil Law. The latter is related to contract effects, the time of compensation of non performance and the time of existence of impossibility of performance, default of performance and what is the time of existence of non performance deserves discussion. These issues arising from the aforesaid classification are concerned in the fundamental structure and the interpretation of the articles of non performance in Civil Law. This paper analyzes these issues based on judicial opinions and scholar theories, which hope to proceed the discussion on the related issues in the future.


林誠二(2010)。債法總論新解 體系化解說。台北:瑞興。


