  • 學位論文


A Study of Counterclaim in Civil Procedure

指導教授 : 張文郁


我國民事訴訟之反訴制度近年來很少受到討論,多僅在探討其他領域時提及相關之反訴問題,例如於專利領域探討美國專利反訴、於闡明權議題探討反訴之闡明,或於家事事件領域探討離婚之本反訴等等。然而反訴制度於實務上不僅經常需要,事實上也相當頻繁地使用,可以讓當事人之數個紛爭皆於同一訴訟程序中處理,對當事人而言可避免耗費過多時間、心力,法院亦可節省司法資源,且實務上尚有一些目前未有明文規定之反訴相關制度,例如預備反訴、再審程序之反訴、家事事件法之預備反請求,或是遭到刪除之再反訴制度等,故就反訴制度而言,除條文本身之規範外,仍有許多值得研究之議題。除此之外,反訴制度具有促進訴訟經濟以及紛爭一次性解決等優點,多數國家皆有採用此制度,由於美國所採之反訴制度包含強制反訴與任意反訴,其制度具有其特色,且制度歷史較為悠久,故本文再以美國為比較法研究重點,探討美國聯邦民事訴訟之反訴制度,及其與我國民事訴訟法之反訴制度在體系上與制度設計上有何差異?為何我國不仿美國採取強制反訴之制度?以上問題皆值得討論。 本文之研究範圍為廣義之民事訴訟程序,即我國整體民事訴訟程序,包含民事訴訟法與家事事件法等相關法規,主要係以現行民事訴訟法與家事事件法之條文進行研究,本文期望對反訴制度做全面性之分析、研究,不僅包含通常訴訟程序,亦包含簡易訴訟程序以及小額訴訟程序中反訴制度之相關規定及問題探討。其次,就家事事件之部分,本文先以較為常見之婚姻事件作為主軸,其他家事事件為輔,以法律條文規定為根據,分別將修正前民事訴訟法與家事事件法之規定互相比較,並整理為表格之形式,以期能完整呈現新法與修正前民事訴訟法之差異處。於外國比較法之部分,本文以美國為研究標的,將美國聯邦民事訴訟規則中強制反訴之規定作為基礎,並與美國各州規範強制反訴之州規定一同比較,並介紹反訴之相關制度,如交互訴訟與第三人訴訟之概念,以及美國聯邦民事訴訟規則有關訴訟合併之規定。最後整理以上內容,並做出結論與建議。 針對家事事件法第41條之規定,本文認為或許能將反請求之要件改成與民事訴訟法之反訴相同,而以請求之標的或攻擊防禦方法相牽連為要件,如此則法條運用應會較為便利,蓋法院已有較完整之見解,亦可避免認定請求之基礎事實之困難,且較可掌握合併請求與反請求之範圍。另由於我國未採律師訴訟主義,亦欠缺美國施行該制度所需之完備前提性周邊制度,為了維護平等原則與當事人之起訴自由,以及考量反訴制度之相關缺點,我國似仍不適合採取強制反訴制度。


The counterclaim in Taiwan’s civil procedure is rarely discussed in recent years; however, the advantages of counterclaim should be noticed, since different disputes between same parties can be dealt in one procedure simultaneously, counterclaim helps to save more time and judicial resources, which is the reason why counterclaim has been frequently used in legal cases. In addition, the legislative purpose of the rules of counterclaim is to obey the principle of equality, so it is no doubt that counterclaim is very important to defenders in civil procedure. This study begins with the introduction of the basic elements of counterclaim in Civil Procedure Law, then compares the differences between old rules and new rules. In spite of the rules of Civil Procedure Law and Family Act, there are still some controversial problems stay unresolved, so this study focuses on these controversial problems and offers some personal suggestions. Besides, to learn more about this topic, it is necessary to analyze civil procedure rules of other countries, for example, the counterclaim in US, including compulsory counterclaim, permissive counterclaim, crossclaim and third-party claim on Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. In conclusion, this study finds out that in order to protect the principle of equality and to respect the litigation rights of defenders, it seems that Taiwan is still not suitable for adopting compulsory counterclaim.


8.The Late Charles Alan Wright, Arthur R. Miller, Mary Kay Kane, Richard L. Marcus, Adam N. Steinman, Federal Practice & Procedure §1401 (3d ed. 2015).
