  • 期刊

通過法治而來的和平-論Hans Kelsen的和平正義理論

Peace Through Rule of Law-Comment on Hans Kelsen's Theory of Peaceful Justice


維護和平是現代國家重要的國家任務。本文想探討知名法學家Hans Kelsen所提出的和平正義理論,分析他所提出的通過法治追求和平的理論。Hans Kelsen的和平正義理論,立足於他的客觀認知主義與價值相對主義。Kelsen基於這兩個觀點,批評了絕對的正義理論,進而主張一種相對的正義論:也就是為了維護所有不同價值觀者的共存,社會必須維護和平。進一步Kelsen指出,此一和平理想,只能透過合乎法治理念的實證法秩序而達成。此一實證法秩序,在內國法層面,要求以民主妥協來制定之實證法,在國際法層面,則是由國際法院主導的國際實證法秩序。Kelsen認為,經由合乎法治理念實證法秩序,才能真正的維護和平。


It is one of the most important tasks of modern state to maintain the peaceful order in the state. Hans Kelsen, the so-called "Jurist of 20th Century", constructs the theory of Justice from the idea of Peace. This article wants to explore his theory of Justice from the idea of peace, and analyzes how his theory pursues peace through the ideal of rule of law. Hans Kelsen's peaceful justice theory is based on his objective cognitivism and value relativism. Kelsen criticizes the theory of absolute justice based on these two viewpoints, which are respectively from epistemology and value theory, and then advocates a relative theory of justice: that is, in order to maintain the coexistence of all the different values, society must be governed by positive law. Kelsen further pointed out that this ideal of peace can only be achieved through a positive law order that is consistent with the ideal of the rule of law. This positive law order, at the level of domestic law, requires the legislative process based on democratic compromise. At the level of international law, it is an international positive law order dominated by the international judiciary. Kelsen believes that peace can be truly maintained through an positive legal order based on the idea of the rule of law.


黃舒芃(2007)。多元民主中的自由保障—Hans Kelsen 的多元主義民主觀暨其對議會與憲法法院的證立。政大法學評論。96,57-98。
