  • 期刊


Preliminary Study on Constructing an Evaluation Tool for a Nursing Website


網際網路資源豐富,如何依適當指引、搜尋字彙的功能,讓使用者快速找尋其所需要的資源,是二十一世紀網際網路成長迅速的世代中必要的課題。本研究綜覽文獻,初步研擬發展網站評值工具,並建構其信效度。研究為探索型調查研究,受測網站包括國內、外28個醫療護理網站,施測者為4位具豐富上網經驗之碩士護理人員。研究工具為32題之「網站評值量表」,其中第一部份為5分量表,包括「整體印象」、「下載與切換速度」、「可近與便利性」、與「網頁內容」四個類別;第二部份為是非題,包括「網站服務功能」與「常用瀏覽器相容情形」兩個類刑。本研究將28個護理網站之網址依隨機順序燒錄於光碟中,以利施測者填寫網站評值量表,每一網站之評值量表依該光碟之護理網站順序排列。研究結果:折半信度Guttman split-half為.79,而內在一致性Cronbach's alpha為.93;以因素分析建構量表第一部份之效度,共得「網站內容」 與「網站結構」二項因素,其特徵值皆大於2,前者解釋變異量達49.48%,後者解釋變異量為12.66%,累積解釋變異量為62.15%。由初步研究建構網站評值量表架構,包括網站內容、結構、服務功能、與常用瀏覽器相容性。本研究期望藉由評值國內外護理網站之內容,提供判定健康網站資訊的是非、優劣,以作為未來規劃、發展護理人員接納的入口網站架構之參考。


Abundant medical information is available on the Internet. Consequently, searching, sorting, and analyzing nursing information on the World Wide Web is vital to professional nurses in the 21 century. This study tests the reliability and validity of a Web site evaluation tool. Twenty-eight popular nursing web sites were selected by Internet searching and assessed using a 32-item Web site evaluation tool. The Web site evaluation tool included two parts. Part I, a 5-point Likert scale included ”overall impression”, ”download and switch speed ”, ”accessibility and convenience”, and ”web page content”. Part II, a yes/no answer included ”website functions” and ”browser compatibility”. Four nurses with master's degrees were invited to respond to an interactive testing disc. Moreover, a data bank was constructed. Data transformation and analysis was conducted using the SPSS 10.0 statistical package. The Guttman split-half and the Cronbach's alpha of the Web site evaluation tool was .79 and .93, respectively. Factor analysis was used to examine part I scale construct validity. Two factors were extracted, namely ”website content” and ”website structure”, accounting for 49.48% and 12.66% of total variance in the Web site evaluation tool. The preliminary study developed the Web site evaluation tool: ”website content”, ”website structure”, ”website functions”, and ”browser compatibility”. The results of this study can provide the knowledge to build up a new nursing portal for integrating and analyzing nursing web sites on the World Wide Web.


Abbott, V. P.(2000).Web page quality: Can we measure it and what do we find.Journal of Public Health Medicine.22,191-197.
How to recognize an informational Web page
Criteria for assessing the quality of health information on the Internet
The good, the bad, and the ugly: or, why it's a good idea to evaluate Web sources
