  • 期刊


Morphological Analysis Applied to Western Costume-A Case Study Based on the Costume of Renaissance Era




This paper aims to investigate the morphological analysis of western costume. A case of western costume in Renaissance era has been verified how to utilize methods of text analysis, picture analysis and morphological analysis to apply to western costume design. According to morphological varieties of western costume, this research adopts morphological analysis and proposes a six-step procedure. The previous five steps are tried to establish five morphological matrix charts. The last step illustrates how to use morphological matrix charts to aid costume design as well as to search for western costume solution, which meets desired costume conditions. In the case study of western costume in Renaissance era, this research separates western costume into four classes: upper clothing of male, lower clothing of male, upper clothing of female and lower clothing of female. Based on the above six-step procedure, the related morphological matrix charts can be built up respectively.
This paper suggests that future designers can refer to the research results to efficiently adopt the morphological characteristics of costume in Renaissance era to design their new costumes, particularly, suitable for designing new ceremony dresses and wedding dresses. Additionally, the research results can also be applied to help systemically teaching history of western costume.


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