  • 期刊


Cognition and Shape Features of Pleasure Images




Nowadays, purchasing or possessing products with self-unique style, individualization and pleasure images becomes the main stream in the consumer market. Under this point of view, how to effectively apply the design operation and product shape representing pleasurable products becomes an important topic for designers and decision-makers of enterprises. This study investigated the potential factors influencing consumers to judge and perceive the pleasure images of products. We applied factor analysis method to distill four main factors, including relaxation and humor, trust and familiarity, attraction and shape operation that influence the way consumers judge pleasure image of products. The relationship between pleasure image level and preference degree of product shows positive correlation by the test of correlation analysis. From extracting experiments of shape characteristics in products, this study got nine shape features of manipulative methods influencing pleasure images. The nine shape features include color, delicacy, bionic design, associational thinking, unreasonable combination, narrative property, symbols application, operational process and shape manipulation. In the further exploration, we applied Quantification Type I method to analyze the responses of nine shape features. The experimental results show that designer must consider the consumer's experience, feeling and the entire context of product evoking meaning behind the scenes when designing pleasurable products. And the expressing meanings need be understood and interpreted by consumers easily. In this way, consumers can experience the pleasurable connotation of products.


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