  • 期刊


Investigating the Design Logic of the Ready-made Design from Semiotics Viewpoint




現成物 工業設計 解構主義 達達 造形


Because of its novelty and contradictory quality, ready-made designs, the combination of familiar found objects, continually develop and receive much attention since the 1990s. This study begins with the literature survey, and looks at its historical development in art and design, as well as the related academic research. By taking chair and lamp design as examples, it applies focus group method to explore how design professionals determine their preferences of the ready-made designs, and their strengths or weaknesses. We first integrate 14 assessment factors, and among them the items related to "meaning" and "components" are most relevant to this study. Compared with other research methods, semiotics approach pays much attention in content and context analysis, and it is useful for analyzing ready-made designs especially their disorder appearance and unexpected replacement. Thus, according to semiotics and structuralism viewpoint in literature, this study tries to analyze the writer's literary system (text) and surrealist painting system (picture) to infer common structure, skill of being artistic, and combination logic of the readymade design system (entity). Particularly the structure of the genealogical axes and adjacent axes in semiotics is applied to the analysis of the selection, arrangement, and conversion of existing objects for typical objects, which leads to a new interpretation of the meaning. It also explains the contradictory phenomenon that the novelty due to the familiarity. In the end, we sum up four creation logics, including: (1) the signifier is the core: starting from the found objects, (2) the operation of similarity: using or forming the typical appearance, (3) the swap of the old and new signified: changing the role and purpose of the component, (4) possible new indications: filling up components for the association.


Ready-made Industrial Design Deconstructionism Dada Form


Anonymous (1964). The great war. Retrieved from https://www.ss.net.tw/list1.asp?PageTo=1&num=119
Anonymous. (2004). The museum of modern art, MoMA highlights (p. 155). New York, NY: The Museum of Modern Art. (Original work published 1999)
Duchamp, M., Sanouillet, M., & Peterson, E. (1989). The writings of Marcel Duchamp. New York, NY: Baker & Taylor.
Droog Design. (1993). 85 Lamp. Retrieved from https://www.droog.com/webshop/product/85-lamps
Eco, U. (1980). “Function and sign: The semiotics of architecture”, signs, symbols, and architecture (pp. 11-61). Chichester: John Wiley and Sobs.
