  • 期刊


Validation Assessment and Latent Profile Analysis on the Acculturation Scale for Foreign Students' in Taiwan


隨著全球化趨勢,文化涵化的議題逐漸受到重視。涵化是描述群體在接觸不同文化時,行為改變的現象,因此涵化是一種新的文化重組。研究者為了了解文化涵化對於社會衝擊的重要性,加上臺灣過去鮮少針對外籍生文化涵化的情形進行探究,且未有適合的檢測工具測量外籍生文化涵化之程度。因此,本研究以外籍生為研究樣本,參考Nguyen與von Eye(2002)以及Stephenson(2000)提出的ASVA與SMAS,發展「外籍生在臺文化涵化量表」,並運用潛在剖面分析,探討涵化各因素的潛在結構。研究結果顯示本量表具備良好的信效度,能夠準確測量外籍生在臺灣的涵化程度,且透過驗證性因素分析考驗因素結構適切性,獲得穩定的因素結構。本研究進行外籍生文化涵化的調查研究,以了解外籍生在新環境的融合情況,以及是否出現涵化的現象,因此本量表能作為相關研究人員、華語教師,以及外籍生的評量工具。此外,本研究以潛在剖面分析檢測量表潛在結構,並分成三種主要不同的涵化特徵組型,在測量方法學上具有高度實用價值。


With the trend of globalization, the issue of the acculturation scale has been highly valued. Acculturation describes the phenomenon of behavior modification when contacting with other groups. Therefore, acculturation is a new way of culture regrouping. Researcher realized the significance of the culture acculturation to the social impact. However, over the past few years, there is little investigation on the condition of foreign students' acculturation in Taiwan, not to mention developing a suitable evaluation tool to measure the acculturation degree on foreign students. Adopting the foreign students as a sample, the study adapts the ASVA and SMAS from Nguyen and von Eye (2002) and Stephenson's (2000) researches to develop the acculturation scale for foreign students in Taiwan and applies the latent profile analysis (LPA) to explore the latent structure of each factor in acculturation. The result shows that the measure possesses a good reliability and validity, which enable to evaluate precisely the foreign students' acculturation degree in Taiwan. Testing the relevance through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), the study obtained a stable structure in factor structures. The study investigates the degree of the acculturation to find out the integration condition to the new environment of the foreign students and to analyze whether acculturation phenomenon exists. Therefore, the scale may act as the evaluation tool for related researchers, Mandarin teachers, and foreign students in Taiwan. Moreover, developing the scale in coordination with LPA in this study to evaluate the latent structure analysis further, as well as categorizing three main different featured modules has high practical value in measurement methodology.


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