  • 期刊


Fluid Ingestion Before、During and After Exercise


運動時液體的補充主要是預防可能造成脫水的問題,它除了補充水分、維持運動時生理的電解質平衡、降低因運動而持續增加的體溫、降低循環系統的壓力外,尚可藉著補充醣類飲料而提昇成績表現。胃排空的速率是影響液體和營養素在小腸吸收的最主要因素。影響胃排空的因素有液體體積、熱能含量、滲透壓、運動、酸鹼值、水和作用。而影響腸方面吸收的有醣類本身(低濃度的醣和鈉可增加吸收速度)、滲透壓(低壓到等張溶液、並含些鹽和葡萄糖可增加吸收速度)。運動時液體補充的設計,除了水分外,尚需考慮維持滲透壓、電解質平衡的鈉、鉀、氯、鎂等,還有醣類和味道,而其他方面,目前已有學者在研發添加維生素及其他抗氧化壓力的物質於飲料中,達到增加成績表現的目的。建議運動前最適當的補充溶液是6%、鈉為90-120 mmol/L的醣類-電解質溶液,醣類需包含果糖、蔗糖等其他的不同分子,如此可分散不同的吸收路徑。運動中醣類的補充方面,使用高昇糖指數(Glycemic Index; GI)的液體,可以節省肌肉肝醣的使用,4.4%葡萄糖、Na為20 mmol/L、K為2.4 mmoL、Cl為15.3 mmol/L的葡萄糖-電解質溶液,結果血漿中鈉和氯的濃度如同運動前一般。耐力性運動後肝醣的回補,要選擇中高GI的液體或食物。剛運動結束時,需立刻每2小時補充50-75克中高GI液體或食物,直到每公斤體重7-10克止(約500克)。


運動飲料 脫水 胃排空 昇糖指數


Fluid ingestion before and during exercise attenuates the detrimental effects of dehydration on cardiovascular dynamics, temperature regulation, and exercise performance. Adding carbohydrate to the oral rehydration solution provides additional glucose energy for exercise as the body's glycogen reserves deplete. The rate of stomach emptying greatly affects the absorption of fluid and nutrients by the small intestine. The major factors that influence gastric emptying (stomach) and fluid absorption (small intestine) are volume, caloric content, osmolality, exercise, pH, hydration level and carbohydrate, sodium (low to moderate level of glucose and sodium increase fluid absorption), osmolality (hypotonic to isotonic fluids containing NaCl and glucose increase fluid absorption). A small amount of electrolytes and palatable flavored beverages facilitates voluntary rehydration more than drinking plain water. To optimize water and carbohydrate absorption, the researchers recommended a 6% carbohydrate-electrolyte solution (Na, 90-120mmol/L) combining of fructose and sucrose, each transported by separate noncompetitive pathways. High-glycemic, carbohydrate-rich foods could spare glycogen depletion during exercise. And subjects consumed a carbohydrate-electrolyte beverage (4.4% glucose; Na, 20mmol/L; K, 2.4mmol/L; Cl, 15.3mmol/L) plasma sodium chloride concentration were maintained at values similar to those recorded before exercise. To speed glycogen replenishment after a hard bout of training or competition, one should consume high-glycemic, carbohydrate-rich foods as soon as possible. About 50 to 75 gram of high- to moderate-glycemic carbohydrate should be eaten every 2 hours until reaching 500 gram (7 to 10 gram per kg of body mass).



