  • 期刊


Case Report: Bilateral Adrenal Hyperplasia in a Ferret (Mustela putorius)


一隻1歲3個月大,雌性結紮寵物貂。根據主人描述在大約一個月前即發現她的外陰部腫脹變大,至就診前都沒有消退,精神食慾排尿排便皆正常,活動力也很好,經理學檢查發現病畜陰唇腫脹突出1cm,此外無其他異常。進行超音波掃視腹腔發現左右腎上腺皆有腫大,人類絨毛膜性腺激素(human chorionic gonadotropin; HCG)注射二重測試後發現陰唇持續腫脹,並於尿液檢查尿中皮質醇(cortisol)和肌酸酐(creatinine)比值大於正常比值,診斷為腎上腺疾病,經口服褪黑激素(melatonin)藥物治療後,陰唇腫脹消退回復正常。


The patient is a 15 months old spayed female domestic ferret. According to the description of the owner, a persistent vulvar swelling of the patient was noticed approximately 1 month ago. Spirit, appetite, urination and defecation are all normal in this patient. The vulvar swelling was about 1 cm detected by physical examination, and no other clinical signs were noticed. Proceeding scan by ultrasound imaging revealed that both adrenal glands were potentially involved in the problem, as evidenced by an enlarged size compared to normal reference range. The vulvar of the patient remained swelling after two injections of HCG test. The levels of cortisol and creatinine in the urine and the ratio of cortisol to creatinine are higher than normal values. Therefore, the case was diagnosed as adrenal gland disease. After drug treatment with melatonin, the swelling vulva returned to a normal size.


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