  • 期刊


International Capital Flow, Financial Development and Economic Growth: Evidence from Asian Countries




This paper using the new heterogeneous panel cointegration technique to investigates the relationship among international capital flow, financial development and economic growth in 10 Asian countries over the period 1980-2007. Our paper is distinct from other researches in several respects. First, it uses a cointegration test for panel data which provides more powerful tests and allows us to increase the degrees of freedom. Next, this paper uses the dummy variable to representative 1997 financial crisis to deal with exist the structure break. Finally, it structures a panel dynamic model to distinguish between long and short run relationship among the variables. The paper finds that in the long run there is a bi-directional causality relationship between finance development and economic growth in Asian countries, and support the finance development follow economic growth hypothesis. Moreover, international capital flow has positive effect on finance development and economic growth, but over international capital flow has significantly negative effect on it.


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