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The Effects of Cigarette Smoking on +Gz Tolerance


軍機飛行員屬於高壓力的職業族群,他們之中可能為了提振精神和紓解壓力,以致嗜喜吸菸,終竟難以戒斷。香菸中的菸鹼(尼古丁)具有多種的藥理作用,包括使骨骼肌的血管擴張,減弱骨骼肌的收縮力,以及運動時增加氣道的阻力等。此不良的作用,可能助長血液聚積於下肢和減少L-1抗G動作的效率,因而導致+Gz耐力的降低。 本研究將1,074位人體離心機初訓的受試者,概分為吸菸組和不吸菸組,針對他們的各種+Gz耐力互作比較。分析的結果顯示不分年齡,吸菸均導致漸增G式乘載時較低的增G值,以及必訓科目較低的完訓率;31~40歲不吸菸的受試者,通過SACM考驗的成功率較高,而且大G昏迷的發生率亦較低;此外21~25歲的吸菸受試者的必訓科目完訓率顯著偏低,這些發現均指向吸菸不利於+Gz的耐力。 長期吸菸將會損害人體的心肺功能,甚至增加致癌的機率,因此,菸害的宣導和防治應落賣於飛行部隊,尤其對年輕的飛行員,以免積重難返。此外,替代性治療和戒菸諮商可雙管齊下,以減少脫癮症狀的發生。


吸菸 接鹼 +Gz耐力 脫癮症狀


Introduction. Flying military aircraft has been considered as a high- stress career. To lower stressor raise vigilance, some pilots do start to smoke in their early phase of military service. Once addicted to smoking, it is very hard to quit. Nicotine is known to have various pharmacological effects including vasodilatation in skeletal muscles, decrease in muscular contractility and increase in airway resistance during exercise. These adverse effects may increase blood pooling in lower extremities and compromise the efficiency of anti-G straining maneuver. 1n worse cases it may induce G-loss of consciousness (G-LOC). Methods. In this study the primary training data of 1, 074human centrifuge trainees was used. The study group was divided into smoking group and nonsmoking group for comparison of their Gz- tolerance. Results. The results of the study evenly showed that smokers had lower G- tolerance during gradual G-onset run and had lower rate of qualification of mandatory training profiles regardless of age. In-group of 31-40 years of age, there were more nonsmokers who successfully qualified SACM challenge and there were less number of nonsmokers who suffered from G-LOC during the course of training. Furthermore, in smokers of 21-25 years of age, the qualification rate of mandatory profiles was significantly lower than smokers These finding indicate that smoking significantly reduces Gz tolerance. Conclusion. There are strong evidences that cigarette smoking impairs cardio- pulmonary functions and has higher morbidity and mortality rate due to different types of cancers. The military should identify the problem of tobacco abuse and should take actions like education of adverse effects of smoking, particularly in younger aircrew, with replacement therapy and weekly counseling during the period of cessation of smoking to reduce the stress from withdrawal syndromes.
