  • 期刊


A Study on the Inheritance and Development of the Original Buddhist Doctrine "Twelve Angas" from Ch'eng Wei-Shih Lun




This paper deals with ”Twelve Angas,” the representative thought of the Buddha's age from Basic Buddhist Scripture had made known the basic position. Why does it deal with ”Twelve Angas” once in the Mahayana Buddhist Wei-Shih Studies? This paper on Ch'eng Wei-Shih Lun explicates ”the Twelve Angas are capable of causing the continuity of births and deaths, and leave permanence and interruption.” And through this paper discussing the inner true meaning and middle way of the Twelve Angas, we can know how to establish one incarnation and the fruit of the twelve Angas from the Twelve Angas's true meaning on the Wei-Shih Buddhist Thought, and without permanence and interruption, and showing the thoughtful route of the ”Angas Middle Way.” In this way, it has explained non newstyle of the Twelve Angas in the Mahayana Buddhist Wei-Shih Studies, but it is based on the spirit of the original Buddhist Angas Middle Way that is more deeply traced to its source and transmitted, and the distinguishing features of the Angas meaning are exhibited in the Wei-Shih Buddhism. Moreover, in looking up the Buddhist Studies, few viewpoints discuss with the Twelve Angas from Ch'eng Wei-Shih Lun, and there is little connection with the Twelve Angas's thought of the original Buddhism. Therefore it is hoped that the thesis can pass through Ch'eng Wei-Shih Lun to supply reasonable explanation of the Angas's number and order, and it is hoped that the paper can offer a further research value and meaning on Ch'eng Wei-Shih Lun in the Buddhist academic studies.


