  • 期刊


Humanizing Activity: Significance and Normativity of the Value of Humanity



本文分析價值的基本概念,基於「人是價值的來源」這項假設,我在此初步提出了一般價值概念使用的語用規則,指出「價值」在日常語言中,基本上是以「非空白單語詞」被使用的。談到價值,通常指的是構成「價值」這個語詞的意義的各種不同種類的實體。價值的表述本身是一種概念的表述,因為價值表述蘊含關於世界(客體X)的見解或觀點。由一般語用分析可以進一步認識價值表述是一般性,而非分殊的,它可被理解為人對世界所持的信念。 某些價值如種族平等和人性尊嚴,便是源於人們對於世界的某種信念。這種具有「內存價值」性質的「人文價值」是實踐推理的核心,依照價值基本概念的分析,具體而言,人文價值其實也是源於我們一般對於人文或人性(humanity or human nature)的某種信念。我將說明:並非所有客觀價值都是具有規範性的-即可以成為一般和普遍實踐的理由,人文價值的規範性來自於人文或人性的內存價值,這項價值信念的內容以「人性化的活動」(humanizing activity)為核心,建立在我們對於人存在基本性質(essential properties)的理解之上。確立了這一點,將能幫助我們認識道德及法律等各種規範和人文價值的關係,以及說明為什麼價值(人文價值)的規範性可以成為人們行動的理由。


In this paper I propose a preliminary analysis of the concept of value, which presumes that not social practices but human beings are the source of values. The following is proposed to explore the nature and concept of value: (1) Values, in our vernacular languages, are essentially expressed as non-empty singular terms, that is, they are understood as referring to a kind or various kinds of entity constituting the semantic value of the terms of ”value”. (2) Expression of value, then, is properly called ”concept expression”, for it implies an assertion about some object X in the world. (3) Thus, when we talk about values, we are properly understood as talking about the expressions of their concepts. (4) The meaning of expression of a concept of value is determined as the semantic function of the statement ”A ascribes a certain value to something X.” (5) On the ground of (2) and (3), values are expressions of concept meant to make assertions about things in the world. (6) On the ground of (4) and (5), expression of value is general, viz., not partial, to make sense of assertive belief about the world from personal perspective (of A). The crucial point is how is possible for us to have assertive belief, expressed in concept of values, about world of human beings. Here, for understanding what humans and lives are like, both Iris Murdoch and Paul Grice provided interesting accounts for something like the ”essential properties” (EP) of being vital things, including humans. Roughly speaking, they amount to the notion of ”activity” of those beings. The essential (properties) of humans is ”activity to humanize”, as Grice called it. ”humanizing activity”, such as continual communication with each other, looking for trustful friendship, pursuit of philosophical ideas etc., characterizes and explains what seems so desirable to man and woman. Given this point, it will be possible for us to think ”normativity” in our social practices as requiring the value of humanity, viz., the intrinsic value of human nature, as the genuine reason for human action.


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