  • 期刊


A Serious Attitude toward Gender Equality Education Law


我國「性別平等教育法」已經於民國93年6月25開始生效。本論文將討論「性別平等教育法」施行之後,如何可以真正被落實。這個法律共分為7章,共有38個條文。最重要的是第1-5章的規定。第1章 關於推動性別平等教育的單位與預算;第2章 學習環境與資源;第3章 課程、教材與教學;第4章 校園性侵害或性騷擾之防治;第5章 申請調查及救濟。要認真對待此一法律,應注意下面幾個工作:1、教育部、直轄市、縣(市)、學校應該儘速讓教育現場的參與者認識「性別平等教育法」。2、通過「性別平等教育法施行細則」、以及「校園性侵害或性騷擾之防治準則」使各級學校均可參考,落實「性別平等教育法」。3、各學校要儘速成立「性別平等教育委員會」4、提昇「性別平等教育委員會」委員之性別意識。5、「性別平等教育委員會」應依法編列預算。6、「性別平等教育委員會」除了推動學校內的性別平等教育外,尚可推動家庭與社會的性別平等教育。 依「性別平等教育法」的規定,落實性別平等教育的精神,不僅在於輔導工作上,還包括學校的學習環境的設計以及資源的分配、課程、教材、教學以及校園性侵害或性騷擾的防治等工作。因此不僅是教育部訓委會、教育局的某一科或者學校的輔導室要負責性別平等教育的工作;教育部的各個單位,包括國教司、中教司、高教司、社會教育司、家庭教育中心、軍訓處、總務單位以及各個負責教師訓練、課程的設計、教材的編寫、教學的評鑑、等相關單位,均應該依「性別平等教育法」的規定,將性別平等教育的精神落實在他們現有的工作內容。


”Gender Equality Education Law” has been implemented in Taiwan since June 25, 2004. This paper aims to explicate contents of the law and to discuss how this law may be put into practice in the future. That is, how we can take a serious attitude toward the law. This law is composed of 7 chapters, including 38 articles. Chapters One to Five cover the most important parts of the law. Chapter One: Law enforcement agency and budget Chapter Two: Educational environment and resources for the improvement of gender equality Chapter Three: Curriculum, teaching materials, and pedagogy Chapter Four: Prevention of sexual assault and sexual harassment on campus Chapter Five: Application for investigation and legal relief Ways of taking a serious attitude toward the ”Gender Equality Education Law” may include: 1.The institutions in charge of executing the law should accumulate adequate knowledge of the law so as to put the law into practice. 2.Planning of other supplementary regulations. 3.All levels of schools should form Gender Equality Education Committee as soon as possible. 4.Raising gender consciousness of Gender Equality Education Committee members and call meetings according to ”Gender Equality Education Law.” 5.Gender Equality Education Committee should work out a budget according to the law. 6.Parallel advocacy of gender equality education in families and the society.


陳嘉慧(2010)。校園性騷擾防治法制之研究 —以美國民權法1972年教育增修 條文第九章關於學校責任為中心—〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/CYCU.2010.00588
