  • 期刊


The 2005 International Society for Chinese Medicine Conference-An Evidence-based Approach to Traditional Chinese Medicine




中醫 實證醫學


The theme of the 2005 Conference was ”Chinese Medicine for the Prevention and Treatment of Contemporary Diseases: an Evidence-based Approach”. Under this theme, four topics (Cardiovascular Diseases, Liver Diseases, Life-Style Related Diseases and Pain) were discussed. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) includes a wide range of therapies. It is best known for the practices of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine but also includes techniques such as massage, moxibustion, dietary advice and breathing exercises. TCM consists of a large body of knowledge with a long history of clinical use. From a holistic viewpoint, a disease is described as the human body manifesting dysfunctional activities and disability in order to copy with the external environment, and is due to the disturbance and disharmony of homeostasis caused by exogenous and/or endogenous pathological factors. Despite the long history and wide usage of TCM, few formulations or therapies have been clinically characterized and this has resulted in uncertainty in the medical profession. Therefore, the main goal of the International Society for Chinese Medicine (ISCM) in 2005 is to incorporate the principles and methods of contemporary evidence-based medicine into the clinical studies and practice of TCM.


Lai, J. N. (2006). 中藥台更一號及獨活寄生湯對更年期症候群及退化性膝關節炎的臨床療效評估 [doctoral dissertation, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2006.00211
