  • 期刊


The Relation between Tanabe Hajime's Ontology of the Yijing and Logic of Species


本文試圖闡明京都學派哲學家田邊元(Tanabe Hajime, 1885-1962)的「種的邏輯」與儒教道德之存在論的關係。筆者嘗試挖掘出一直以來被忽視的中國哲學(特別是宋學、陽明學)與田邊哲學之間的關係。在〈關於儒教的存在論〉(1928)這篇文章裡,田邊藉由思考《易經》中的太極和陰陽這兩組概念,來分析儒教道德之存在論。在此過程中,田邊以陽明學者高瀨武次郎(Takase Takejiro, 1869-1950)的《易學講話》(1926)為參考,來掌握太極和陰陽之間的關係。以此為由,筆者首先考察了《易學講話》。在分析此書之後,筆者探討了田邊針對易經存在論和西方(希臘與基督教)存在論的比較研究,並說明儒教道德存在論對「種的邏輯」的建構產生何種影響。最後筆者進行如下結論,即田邊所考察的儒教道德存在論(易經存在論)和「種的邏輯」中所主張的社會存在論,具有相同性質的辯證法結構。


In this paper I try to figure out the relationship between Kyoto School philosopher Tanabe Hajime's (1885-1962) Logic of Species and ontology of Confucian ethics. I want to reveal the connection between Chinese philosophy (mainly the New-Confucian learnings from the Song Dynasty and Wang Yangming) and Tanabe's philosophy which has not be sufficiently discussed. In About ontology of Confucianism (1928), Tanabe analyzed the ontology of Confucian ethics by thinking of the ideas of Taiji and Yinyang in Yijing. Tanabe also referred to Discussion on Yi by Takase Takezirou (1869-1950), a scholar on Wang Yangming, for reflecting on Taiji and Yinyang. From this clue, I discussed Discussion on Yi in this paper first. After analyzing this book, I went on discussing Tanabe's comparative research in the aspect of the ontology of Yijing and the ontology of Greece and Christianity. I also described how Confucianism ontology has influence on Tanabe's Logic of Species. In the end , I concluded that Tanabe's Confucianism ontology (ontology of Yijing) and Logic of Species have the same dialectical structure.


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