  • 期刊


A Study of the Deepening Effect of Art Therapy Activities Upon the Emotional Context of Terminal-ill Patients


本研究是透過陪伴三位癌末病患,以「簡單藝術媒材」為媒介,為期8-10次、每次時間約一至一個半小時,總計陪伴時間約一至一個半月,進行「藝術即治療」(Art as therapy)之理論取向為主的藝術治療活動。研究目的主要是透過參與藝術創作之自我探索與頓悟、並藉由其創作成品引導深度訪談,同時輔以藝術活動觀察之紀錄,以質性研究詮釋性之分析據以探討癌末病患面對死亡將至之終極困境其內在真實情緒之內涵,以及參與藝術治療活動後之主體體驗與感受。 研究結果發現(一)癌末病患深化的情緒內涵呈現出層層包裹的情緒團;(二)因參與藝術創作浮現當事人重要生命意義;(三)參與藝術治療活動歷程之體驗為:達到情緒宣洩與情感支持,藝術創作提升自我覺察、自我了解與自我肯定,重新發現死亡焦慮,重新排序未竟事務,柔化護病關係,與整體生命圓滿充實感。最後集結所有創作品所製作完成的「生命書」則為癌末患者最後的生命時光留下真實生命之註記。


The Qualitative Research was conducted to explore individual experience of a nurse-guided art-therapy program (ATP) for three terminal-ill patients. The major aims of this Qualitative research were to develop an art-therapy program (ATP) for terminal ill patients as well as to explore the experience of individuals who participated at this program. Taking an ”art as therapy” approach, the ATP consisted of 8-10 sessions of 60-90 minutes of art-therapy activities. During the art-therapy sessions, the participant’s self-exploration and self-awareness were encouraged for her catharsis; observations from the researcher and indepth interview were also conducted to clarify and to further explore the participant's subjective experience, feelings of her art creation and her emotional context. Hermeneutic analysis was used to analyze data collected from observations and interviews. The results find out that the deepening effects of the ATP on these patients were manifold: (a) the deepening effect of art therapy activities shows that emotional context under psychologize dynamic, (b) the emergence of major meanings of life, and (c)conclusion of the experience of these three patients in art-therapy activities includes the decrease in stress and the increase in emotional support. In addition the ATP also provided with this patient a chance to achieve selfexamination and to re-define the definition of life events through life overview. Re-evaluate the anxiety of death. To re-arrange the order of unfinished issues. Alleviation of the nurse-patient relationship, and make one's life complete. Finally, the final product of the ATP, ”Life Book,” a collection of her art work, was to leave a final notes toward the end of her life.


