  • 期刊


The Effect of Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback for a Cancer Survivor


目的:探討心跳變異生理回饋(heart rate variability biofeedback, HRV-BF)在癌症存活者的生活品質與身心症狀之療效。方法:個案為50歲單身女性,診斷為降結腸惡性腫瘤,化療結束約三年,個案對疾病有許多反芻性焦慮伴隨身心症狀,醫師評估後安排每週一次、每次一小時的HRV-BF,共三次,並在訓練前後各進行一次身心壓力衡鑑,包括臨床晤談、心理量表,並將心電圖訊號轉換為自主神經功能指標。結果:HRV-BF後,個案的焦慮與憂鬱症狀改善、生活品質提升、身心症狀降低、自主神經平衡指標提升。整體呼吸可維持緩慢與規律的腹式呼吸,呼吸次數由15.33次/分降至5.33次/分。結論:HRV-BF有效改善癌症存活者的身心壓力症狀、負向情緒與提升生活品質。未來可增加樣本人數驗證HRV-BF在癌症存活者之療效。


Objective: This case study described the effect of heart rate variability biofeedback (HRVBF) for a cancer survivor. Methods: This case is a 50 years old female who was diagnosed with descending colon carcinoma. She has suffered from anxious apprehension and psychosomatic symptoms since the end of the chemotherapy three years ago. The client has received a psychophysiological assessment that included interview, the psychological questionnaires (Psychosomatic Symptoms Checklist, The World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF, and Negative Emotions due to Chronic Illness Screening Test), and the examination of autonomic activation at pre-test and post-test. The raw signals of electrocardiograph were transformed to HRV as the index of the autonomic nervous system. The HRV-BF was administered 60 minutes each session weekly for 3 sessions. Results: The improvement in anxiety and depression, increased the life of quality, decreased psychosomatic symptoms, and increased the balance on the autonomic nervous system after HRV-BF training. Moreover, the stable, slow, deep, and regulatory of breathing patterns were maintain the abnormal breathing, the average breathing rate of this client was decreased from 15.33 breaths/min at pre-test to 5.33 breaths/min at posttest after HRV-BF. Conclusion: This case report revealed the beneficial effect of HRV-BF on decreasing the psychosomatic symptoms, negative emotion, and improved the quality of life for the client of a cancer survivor. Further study will be recruited more participants to confirmed the effect of HRV-BF for cancer survivors.


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