  • 期刊


A Study of Promoting Ecological and Environment Protection Education in Baqua Mountain Recreation Park Area


三十年來台灣地區由於科技進步,帶動工商界蓬勃發展,相對的卻造成了環境污染與生態的破壞;由於環境污染與生態被破壞後,再以人工復育方式還原,勢必相當艱難,還需花費龐大的人力與物力,因此生態環保教育日益重要。 有鑑於此,本研究以實際之行動,在八卦山遊憩園區內建置蝴蝶園區、紫斑蝶步道區、外部食草區、食草培育區、鍬形蟲區與獨角仙區等生態環境,透過調查法、觀察法和培訓解說等方法進行生態環保教育之推廣。首先,經由資料收集、專題演講與解說培訓等方式培訓建國科技大學15名學生;其次,當學生培訓完成後,即邀請彰化縣內國中生200人、大學生60人與遊客100人,至八卦山遊憩園區內進行生態參訪,由培訓學生負責生態解說;最後,為了要暸解解說效益,在每梯次解說前後均實施問卷測試,問卷回收率100%,其重要發現如下:第一,接受問卷調查者參加此次活動的動機排名(複選),1.為對戶外教學感興趣佔78.4%;2.為想了解週遭環境佔68.8%;3.為想增進專業知能佔41.3%;第二,接受問卷調查者對參加此次活動後的感受,滿意以上佔78.4%。第三,接受問卷調查者願意與他人分享參與此次活動心得者佔90.3%;此外由解說前與解說後問卷測試比較分析發現,受訪者對八卦山特有生態瞭解程度由41.4%提升至78.4%,可見本研究推動生態環保教育的成功。 本研究推動八卦山生態環保教育最重要的成果是,絕大多數的參訪者,參與本研究之活動後,皆願意對在地生態環境付出更多的關懷與照顧。


Over the past 30 years, technological improvement in Taiwan has contributed to the thriving business and industry development, but it also caused environmental pollution and ecological destruction. It is difficult to recover the environment from pollution and ecology from destruction, because the demand on manpower and resources are simply enormous. The education of ecological and environmental protection has hence become increasingly important to prevent further pollution and destruction. In the Bagua Mountain of Changhua, Chienkuo Technology University took actual action to build areas that include Butterfly Garden, Butterfly Paths, External Provision Area, Provision Incubation Area, Stag beetle (Odontolabis siva) and Rhinoceros beetle (Allpmyrina dichotoma) Incubation Area, all of them belong to ecological protection areas. In addition, ecological and environmental protection education is performed by investigation, observation and explanation training. Firstly, student guides were trained through information collection, lectures and guiding training. Secondly, 200 junior high school students, 60 university students and 100 tourists were invited to visit Bagua Mountain Recreation Park and attended the presentation of ecological protection. Finally, in order to understand the effectiveness of such presentation, the participants were asked to answer questionnaires both before and after each accompanying commentary implementation. The response rate was 100%. Some important findings conducted from the questionnaires are as follows. 1. Motivations to attend such environmental protection activities (multiple choices allowed) are that (1) 78.4% of the visitors are interested in outdoor teaching; (2) 68.8% are interested in understanding the surrounding environment, (3) 41.3% intend to enhance professional knowledge. 2. Over 78.4% of those surveyed in the event are satisfied with such activities. 3. 90.3% of those surveyed are willing to share experience of the activities with others; moreover, the analysis of the questionnaires before and after presentation showed that the visitors' understanding of ecological and environmental protection has improved from 41.4% to 78.4.3%, this indicates the promotion to the education is quite successful. The most important result in this study of promoting ecological and environmental protection education is that the visitors who have participated in the event are willing to pay more attention to the ecological environment afterwards.
