  • 期刊


Analysis of World Conferences on Human Rights and the High Commissioner for Human Rights



本文論述世界人權會議之內容,其中包括背景、參與者、內容等議題。本文認爲,全世界人權因爲討論及實踐而進展,1968年爲了紀念『世界人權宣言』20週年,在德黑蘭舉行第一次世界人權會議,其確認人權普世性及不可分性。當然德黑蘭世界人權會議無法使得國際人權完全的落實,隨著國際政治之轉變,促成了1993年維也納世界人權會議之舉行,這次會議集合了各國、國際組織及非政府組織之代表,也形成了完整的人權理念及行動計畫,同樣地不會因爲維也納世界人權會議之舉行,便使國際人權變的完美,但是因其推動,使得諸多人權進一步實踐。 維也納世界人權會議的重點之一是建議設立人權高級專員,後來得到聯合國大會之通過,國際人權界幾十年來的理想終於實踐。人權高級專員扮演柔性推動之角色,經由10多年之努力,在全面性及優先性兩者掙扎中,逐步促進及保障人權。


This essay expounds substance of world conferences on human rights including their backgrounds, participants and contents. It was in 1968 that the first world human rights conference was held in Teheran for commemorating twentieth anniversary of the UDHR. Although the Teheran conference could not push all human rights to be successful, it served as a foundation for the Vienna conference, which gathered representatives from governments and NGOs in the world and formed integrated human rights ideas and action plans. It is not likely that human rights protections will become perfect because of the Vienna conference. However, through its promotion many human rights are further realized. One of the core resolutions of the Vienna conference is to create the post of High Commissioner for Human Rights. It is the view of this essay that for more than a decade, the Commissioner, although acting only soft power and struggling for priority, has progressively promoted and protected human rights.


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