  • 期刊


The Effectiveness of Experiential Marketing for New Products in Existent Channels




The purposes of the current study were to explore the marketing effectiveness of implementing experiential marketing tactics in existent selling channels for introducing new products. The interrelated influences among customer satisfaction, purchase intentions, and selling performance were also examined after conducting an experimental design, where three products were chosen from two hypermarket stores as subjects to perform two types of experiential marketing experiments. Subsequently, the hypothesis tests were performed to justify the marketing effectiveness. After completing the analysis, the study confirmed the effectiveness to apply the experiential marketing tactics to introducing new products in existent channels. However, the effectiveness was quite discrepant depending on the chosen products, channels, and the types of experiential marketing. The effects of experiential marketing on the non-finance performance, such as customer satisfaction and purchase intension, are positive but not statistic significant. The finding proved that there was a significantly positive influence on the financial performance like sale growth rate. Besides, the experiment results also revealed that there were positive correlations among customer satisfaction, purchase intention, and selling performance.


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