  • 期刊


Development and Analysis of a Framework for Evaluating a Green Production and Consumption System


近年來,永續發展(sustainable development)的理念及生活方式,已然成為產官學界所共同關注的課題,然而欲達成此一目標,企業及消費者必須認清綠色生產、消費行為及觀念。本研究根據企業價值鏈的觀點,結合各項與企業營運有關之綠色議題,發展出一套整合性的綠色生產及消費系統評估架構,以作為政府及環保團體評核和獎掖執行綠化活動之參考。首先依文獻探討及專家訪問調查結果,發展出評估系統六大構面:綠色產品、綠色生產製造及包裝、綠色研發及設計、綠色廣告及行銷、綠色企業、以及綠色消費;接著針對每一構面設計評量題項,再透過兩階段問卷調查法,訪問專家學者,並對大學生進行意見調查。問卷資料經彙整後,再進行描述統計及因素分析,並利用分析層級程序法決定各構面權重;最後建構出整合的綠色系統評估架構,它包含四個層級、六大構面、25項主因素和105個子題項及其權重。本研究並以國內兩個大型企業為實例,進行系統實際測試及評核。經由調查結果發現,多數專家認為整個評估系統中,「綠色生產製造及包裝」構面最為重要,意即生產者應儘量減少廢料並做好回收工作,若能在生產、製造及包裝過程中奠定綠化基礎,則其它企業營運價值鏈環結綠化活動將易於達成。而「綠色企業」構面則相對較不重要,可能由於它是屬於經營理念及企業形象範疇,與生產者及消費者所主導的綠色活動及行為較無直接關聯。


The concept of sustainable development and its lifestyle have recently become a common concern for industrial, academic, and government sectors. However, the notions and behaviors of green production and consumption for enterprises and consumers need to be identified in order to achieve the goal of sustainable development. The purpose of the current study was to develop an assessment framework for a green production and consumption system (GPCS) that can serve as a reference tool for officials and environmental groups to assess and supervise the greening activities conducted by enterprises. Based on the viewpoints of the business value chain, the study investigated several green issues related to business administrative activities to form an integrated GPCS that is composed of six dimensions, including green products, green production/manufacturing/packaging, green R&D/design, green advertising/marketing, green enterprises, and green consumption The assessment framework had a hierarchical structure with four levels, six dimensions, 25 factors, and 105 evaluation items as well as their respective weights. A two-stage survey process was conducted to develop the evaluation items for a questionnaire and to collect the data concerning the degree of agreement for these items. Some descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation were used to help select the evaluation items for designing the questionnaire. The weights at the second level were determined using the analytic hierarchical process method, the evaluation items at the third and fourth levels were obtained from conducting a factor analysis. Two cases chosen from the top 100 enterprises in Taiwan were assessed by using the developed GPCS evaluation framework. The results show that green production/manufacturing/packaging is the most important among the six dimensions of GPCS. This means that if manufacturers initially do a good job of reducing disposals and recycling their products, then the greening tasks at other linkages of the business value chain will be easily accomplished The dimension of a green enterprise, which involves the enterprise's green belief and image, is relatively unimportant due to the lack of a close relationship with the green activities and behaviors directed by producers and consumers.




