  • 期刊


Party Whips System of KMT's Caucus in the Legislative Yuan: A Comparative Perspective




國民黨 黨團 黨鞭 立法院 國會


Under the operational experience and researches of the British and United States congress, this paper attempts to comparative and explore the party whip system of KMT's caucus in the Legislative Yuan, and it emphasis on its institutional contents and changing process. First, this paper finds that the function of KMT's whip is similar to the British and United States, but the organizational scope is smaller. In early periods, the selection of KMT's whip is dominated by party headquarters, and to elect by ballot later. The career development of KMT's whip is appear ladder-climbing, but most of the members are dabblers and whippers, only a few members are ladder climbers. Second, this paper points out the factors that affects the institution and operation of KMT's whip. One factor is the party attribute, in order to party headquarters control the caucus. The second factor is environment change, that the entirely re-election of the Legislative Yuan in 1992, and the party transition in 2000 to bring the institutional change of KMT's whip.


“Chief Whip.”, WIKIPEDIA, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chief-Whip
“Whipping System”, UK Parliament, http://www-par;iament.uk/parliament/guide/pawhips
”Assistant party leaders of the United States Senate.”, WIKIPEDIA, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assistant_party_leaders_of_the_United_States_Senate
”Party whips of the United States House of Representatives.”, WIKIPEDIA, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Party_whips_of_the_United_States_House_of_Representatives
Ameller, Michel(1962).Parliaments.London:Cassell.
