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A Literature Review of Sports Spectating Motivation Scales in Taiwan




Motivation of sport spectating have been a research subject in foreign for a long time, including many studies of scale-development. According to literature reviews, foreign studies used and enlarged the scale systematically after developed it. However, lots of domestic studies were done by individual self-made scales. To build up a scale apply to domestic sport industry for sports games, marketing and management, it's important to have a review about domestic scale-development progress of sport spectating. 119 domestic researches were analyzed by HistCite to understand develop progress of scales about sport spectating in Taiwan. It found that the first sport spectating scale was established in 1989. Lots of domestic studies explored sport spectating motivation based on "Theory of Planned Behavior". Most of study subjects were baseball events, and differentiation was found among diversity of sport kinds. 6-factor dimensions of the domestic scales included personal preferences, affective projection, social connection, leisure & recreation, competition content, and satisfaction, these were main factors of mostly recent researches. In future, it should be concern to develop a scale of sport spectating motivation by long term and sustain survey, make it become a general tool to apply in Taiwan sport industry.


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