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Resreach Tang Xian-zu's thought of Buddhism and Taoism, affection view from “Nan-Ke-Ji" and "Han-Dan-Ji


明代傑出戲劇家湯顯祖創作了膾炙人口的《臨川四夢》:《紫釵記》、《牡丹亭》、《南柯記》、《邯鄲記》其中《南柯記》、《邯鄲記》分別具濃厚的佛道教思想,呈現出深遠的哲學意涵,對「情」的描寫也相當突出,本文第一部分先以佛道家的觀點,分別對「情」的理解作一概括性的定義辨明,接著第二部分論述湯顯祖的成長背景及其佛道思想的形成,探索其家族淵源、師承交遊、佛道活動對他的思想啟發,最後第三部分再結合他的知名劇作《南 柯記》、《邯鄲記》(合稱「二夢」),舉其相關齣目分析其中所寄託之佛道思想、各種人情世態,希冀尋繹出湯顯祖對現實社會的理想嚮往或困境意識,並從中對湯顯祖在此人生階段所透顯出的情觀有更深一層的了解。


Outstanding dramatist in Ming dynasty, Tang Xian-zu created the famous dramas "Nan-Ke-Ji" and "Han-Dan-J i" which contain Taoism and Buddhism thought. Where show some profound philosophy, and the descriptions of affection are very conspicuous. This first part of the paper will discuss view of affection in Buddhism and Taoism. I'll make the general definition of affection for them. Then the second part, dealing with Tang Xian-zu's growing background and the thought of Buddhism and Taoism. Researching his thinking inspiration caused by family origins, relations with teachers and friends , Buddhism and Taoism activities. Finally the third part will combine with his well-known dramas "Nan-Ke-Ji" and "HanDan- Ji". To point out the contents of each script which contains love between the couple, lust, political kindness and vulgar behavior, etc. I wish that can sum up Tang Xian-zu's expectation or difficult feeling in the society. And get understanding of Tang Xian-zu's affection view appeared in specific stage of life.
