  • 期刊


Quality and Quantity Analysis of Teacher Talk in the TCSL Student Teachers' Classroom: Exploration Based on the Teacher Training


本研究是以師資培訓為中心,探討與實習教師課堂話語質、量有關的問題,包括:實習教師本身對「精講多練」概念的理解,實習教師的課堂話語量調查,以及實習教師課堂片段評析。 在第二語言教學中,教師輸出的話語是執行教學任務的憑藉,同時也是學生輸入、模仿的標的,其對語言習得的影響無庸置疑。華語教學中使用的教學語言,雖多為教師的母語,但為因應情境、對象不同,教師仍需隨時調整自己的語言形式,如:語速、詞彙、結構等,以便讓學習者獲得可理解輸入,此語言調整為新手教師的操作難點。目前,專業師資課程中,僅有正音練習一項,然此卻無法涵蓋整體的教師語言訓練。 本研究緣於實習教師對課上師、生說話比例的疑惑。為解惑,研究者調查了兩類教師的話語「量」,並進而探索實習教師話語「質」的問題。步驟是以在職教師、實習教師各30名為對象,選取每人15分鐘的錄影或錄音資料,轉寫成文字稿,分別計算兩組師、生的發話量和發話次數,得知兩組教師在話語量上有顯著差異,且實習教師偏高,再進一步判讀課堂語料,得知實習教師話語量高,與表達能力不足、教學操作不純熟有關,分析結果詳述於內文。文章最後針對華文教師養成機制提出反思與建議,或可做為未來調整師資培訓的參考。


Based on the teacher training program, this study explores both quality and quantity issues of teacher talk in the student teachers' classroom including: student teachers' comprehension on the concept of ”Refined instruction and more practice”, the investigation on the amount of teacher talk, as well as classroom assessment of student teachers. In second language classroom teaching, teacher talk is highly associated with not only the implementation of teaching tasks but also the target language input that the student is likely to receive and imitate; thus there is no doubt about its impact upon language acquisition. In CSL classroom teaching, although the applied interactive language is mostly the teachers' native tongue, adjustments made in classroom language are still necessary with regard to speed, vocabulary, and structure due to different teaching context and targets, in order that learners receive comprehensible input. This language adjustment is difficult for novice teachers in teaching. At present, professional teacher training courses only involve pronunciation correction, which is not enough to cover the overall teachers' language training. This study originated from student teachers' confusion about the proportion of teacher talk and student talk in class. In order to solve the problem, the researcher investigated the quantity of two types of teacher talk, and further explored the issue of ”quality” of teacher talk of the student teachers. This research selected 30 in-service teachers and student teachers respectively and obtained the amount and frequency of 15-minute spoken language from both groups of teachers. The data was transcribed into scripts and coded. Significant differences between the two groups have been found regarding quantity of speech, with high proportion of student teachers. It results from their own ability of expression, and improper practice in teaching, which was learned by interpreting the language materials. The details will be explained and the results may serve as references for future teacher training strategies.




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宋如瑜(2012)。華語教師的教學語言研究 ──以師資培育為導向〔博士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315274484
