  • 期刊


The Kinematics Analysis of Accurate Instep Kick in Futsal


本研究的目的是探討足球選手在不同目標區域下執行精準腳背射門之下肢關節運動學參數。本研究的受試者為12名國家女子代表隊之選手,在動作分析實驗室以腳背射門的方式將球射進球門中四個不同的目標區域(左上、右上、左下、右下),並透過VICON動作分析系統進行運動學資料收集。研究結果顯示下方目標區域的球速會比上方目標區域快(p < 0.01),而上方目標區域的髖關節角速度會來得比下方目標區域大(p < 0.01),因此,從實驗結果得知當球射向不同目標區域時確實會使選手在動作參數上產生不一樣的差異性,而此差異可以提供選手或教練做為訓練時動作調整的參考依據。


The purpose of this study was to estimate the kinematics of lower limbs of accurate instep kick in Futsal. Twelve females from national soccer team were recruited in this study. Each subject was asked to perform instep kick of a stationary ball toward targets in the four corners of the goal in Futsal. VICON motion analysis was used to collect the kinematical data of lower limb and football. The results showed that kicks towards the bottom targets demonstrated significantly greater ball's velocity than towards the top targets. In addition, kicks aimed to the top corner of the goal demonstrated a higher hip angular velocity than those towards the bottom corners. The accurate soccer shooting to different target condition affected the joint kinematics and ball's velocity. The findings of this study are helpful to provide training guideline for a coach or soccer player.


Biomechanics Futsal Instep Kick


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