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Survey of Zhan Ganguan's Way of Practice




學習 熟習 湛甘泉


The importance of teaching method of Wang Yangming (王陽明) is the familiar training 「熟習」 of original mind, on the foundation of awareness. Therefore, he emphasizes the awareness of conscience is the essential part of practice, further, noumenon (本體) of conscience is neither learning nor contemplation. If noumenon (本體) of conscience is put into learning that means seeking outside, and will be fare from ontological practice. Therefore, when Wang Yangming emphasizes on awareness of inner mind, he holds that the teaching method of Zhan Ganguan (湛甘泉) may decline to outer seeking. So, Wang Yangming criticizes on this specific point.But, according to Zhan Ganguan (湛甘泉), teaching method of Wang Yangming is excessively lean towards awareness of inner mind and purely regard to ancient way of learning. Therefore, under the lack of objective survey of ancient text, his teaching method, awareness of conscience usually decline in non-conscience risk factor. Therefore, excessively lean towards inner and less outer is criticism of Wang Yangming. Thus, Zhan Ganguan (湛甘泉) argues the importance of ancient training way and formed a set of objective stander of moral rule. In this way, one form learning「學習」can grasp the basic needs of practice theory. Although, the stander of this learning is grasped from cognition of mind, but this is what requirement of a Sage practice when he manifest noumenon (本體). Thus, from the Sage point of view, proceeds towards proper understand of noumenon (本體), and then proceeds towards proper understanding of noumenon's (本體) familiar training 「熟習」and awareness. Thus, there is a complete set of theory of practice. But, Wan Yangming holds that this method usually decline towards accumulation of knowledge and unable to complete the awareness of noumenon (本體), thus he usually from the point of view of 'noumenon is neither learning nor consideration' criticizes Zhan Ganguan (湛甘泉). But, is it really so? Are learning「學習」 and familiar training 「熟習」 consistent system? In this paper the author discuss from this point of view.


learning familiar training Zhan Ganguan





