  • 期刊


Chinese Numerals in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language




漢語教學 數目詞 成語


This paper aims to explore the application of the variation of numerals in Chinese and how these different forms of numerical words should be taught in Chinese as a second language. Chinese characters have evolved and developed over time from their earliest known pictographic forms, and to the versions used today. It holds true for Chinese characters for the numbers 1 to 10. More specifically, it is found that while teaching Chinese numbers corresponding to one to ten, teachers need to verify how "èr二 and liăng兩", "yī一 and yī壹", and "wàn万 and wàn萬" are used in context to help learners use them appropriately. In this paper, the numeral Chinese characters in terms of its forms and pronunciations followed by their frequencies of occurrences in teaching. Finally, methods are suggested for teachers while teaching these various written forms of Chinese numbers. It is hoped that thought the analyzing of the different characters, pronunciations, and meanings of Chinese numbers, teachers can have a better understanding regarding Chinese numeral characters. More importantly, many Chinese idioms are closely related to numbers which often connote special cultural meanings. This article will illustrate some of these number idioms as examples so that teachers will explain not only the meaning of words literally, but also the connotation of these numeral characters in idioms. Today, Chinese numeral characters, often in combination with measure words, carry special meaning and are used widely in various disciplines. There is a need for Chinese educators and researchers to explore further.
