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Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to Explore the Key Determinants of Effective Entrepreneurial Business Model of Taiwan Mobile Game Industry


智慧型手機與行動網路的興起,開啟了人手一機的網路世代,以行動裝置上網、玩遊戲、聽音樂、看影片等活動已愈見普遍,手機遊戲成為現今人們不可或缺的休閒娛樂之一,手遊產業也在此狀態下蓬勃發展。本研究目的在探索臺灣手遊產業如何建構有效的創業模式,以期提高創業績效,使其能夠在競爭激烈的環境中成功存活,並長期穩定發展。本研究以動態提摩斯模式(Timmons Model)的四大決策構面及其相關的決策因子,運用層級分析法(Analytical Hierarchy Process, AHP)進行分析,尋找提升創業績效的關鍵決策構面及關鍵決策因子。研究發現,「創業團隊」是最具關鍵性的決策構面,其餘三個決策構面權重差距不大;而創業團隊中最關鍵的決策因子是「創業者」,此因子在「創業團隊」構面中的權重(local weight),與在所有決策因子整體總評估的權重(global weight),排序都是第一。此研究發現顯示,臺灣手遊產業要能成功創業,必須組織出堅強的創業團隊;且創業者必須具備能突破市場競爭的創意及領導能力。


With the rising of portable device and 3G internet, smart phone nowadays is generalized down to every individual, reforming on-line entertainment industry. Almost everyone is using smart phone to surf on the internet, play video games, listen to music, watch movies or video clips, and so on. Mobile games are becoming one of the most popular recreation activities, which rapidly prospers mobile games industry. In order to help start- up companies in Taiwan survive the highly competitive environment, and sustainably grow in long-term development, this research is investigating effective entrepreneurial model to achieve entrepreneurial performance enhancement for Taiwanese mobile game company. This research is based on the four decision dimensions of Dynamic Timmons Model and relative decision factors, using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) for analysis, to search for key decision dimensions and factors for entrepreneurial performance enhancement. Research findings show that, among the four dimensions of Dynamic Timmons Model, "entrepreneurial team" is the most crucial decision dimension, while the other three dimensions take similar weighting. The most important decision factor is "entrepreneur", which takes the highest weighting in both local weight of entrepreneurial team dimension, and in global weight of all decision factors. These results show that, in order to successfully build up a company in Taiwanese mobile game industry, it is very crucial to organize a strong entrepreneurial team, and also, entrepreneurs need to possess the innovation and leadership to break through the intensive market competition.


