  • 期刊

Fingerprint Screening for Reducing the Uncertainty in Correlating Passive Gas Surveys and Groundwater Concentrations of Contaminants for High Resolution Site Characterization



對於土壤與地下水污染整治規劃設計而言,場址調查工作是關乎成功的重要因素,而為能提升場址調查的品質與成本效益,所謂高解析場址調查(High Resolution Site Characterization)應運而生。在此調查概念的應用上,採用多元的快速篩選技術(例如被動式土壤氣調查)作為調查工具,在較高之定量不確定性的條件下,較快速完成描繪地下水污染團。在本研究中利用被動式土壤氣體調查工具進行地下水污染團的調查,並探討指紋比對方法用於鑑別土壤氣體調查結果與地下水污染物濃度之間的符合度與降低描繪地下水污染團的不確定性之應用性。研究結果顯示被動式與地下水污染物濃度直接比對於線性迴歸分析中具有相當明顯的差異,但藉由指紋比對方法篩選分析資料後,雖然比對資料樣品數量減少,土壤氣體調查數據描繪地下水污染團之範圍符合度明顯提升,高濃度區能更正確的為被動式土壤氣體調查結果捕捉。本研究初步展現指紋比對方法的應用確可降低關連土壤氣體調查結果與地下水濃度之不確定性,改善以高解析場址調查概念,描繪地下水污染團範圍之相符性的成果。惟後續相關的指紋比對應用應可進一步研究在有限的地下水濃度資料之條件下的應用方式。


While site investigations are critical with regard to the success of soil and groundwater remediation efforts, the costs associated with such investigations are a concern in terms of the efficiency and representativeness of the samples that are obtained. High resolution site characterization techniques have thus been developed to address this issue. Such approaches use field analysis tools, such as passive soil surveys, for the delineation of groundwater plumes to facilitate the investigations and reduced the costs of the investigation. A passive soil gas survey tool was thus employed in this study to delineate the groundwater plumes for site investigations. A fingerprint screening protocol was used to assess the accuracy of the soil vapor survey results and reduce the degree of uncertainty when delineating groundwater plumes. The findings indicate that the passive soil gas survey method used in this work produces results that are significantly different from the groundwater testing results, based on a regression analysis. The use of the fingerprint screening process can greatly improve the certainty of groundwater plumes delineation, with the high concentration regions being better captured by the screened soil vapor data, regardless of the less data used. However, the screening process used in this work might need to be further examined to overcome the challenges that arise due to the availability of groundwater data for any given site investigation, which can limit its applicability. Nevertheless, the fingerprint protocol is a viable way to improve groundwater plume delineation, and thus can be used to validate the results of high resolution site characterization.
