  • 期刊


Relationship among Service Quality, Service Value and Satisfaction in Indoor Swimming Pool




忠誠度 款待學 客製化 認知 情感


The purpose of this study namely aims at exploring the current situation and relationship among service quality, service value and satisfaction. Methods: The samples were collected from an indoor swimming pool in Chiayi Area, and 360 customers were surveyed as subjects based on judgment sampling. A total of 270 questionnaires were returned, but 258 valid questionnaires, and the valid response rate was 71.67%. Furthermore, structural equation modeling was applied to test hypothesis and analyze the data. Results: 1) The service quality directly influences on service value and satisfaction significantly. 2) The service value directly influences on satisfaction significantly, and the effects to the service quality on satisfaction. Conclusion: With regard to the consumer decision-making process, cognitive level is higher than the emotional level. That is, in indoor swimming pool, workers ought to reinforce psychological level to improve the service quality and enhance consumer perception on service value, further affecting consumer satisfaction. Empirical results of this study imply that swimming pool practitioner and manager are supposed to focus on quality of service; besides, the more important point of the view is to notice and concern the substantive of service value so that they may further increase customer loyalty by means of enhancing customer satisfaction.


loyalty hospitality customization cognitive affective


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