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  • OpenAccess


Production Cost and Price Analysis for the Table Grapes in Taiwan







The main objectives of this study were to analyze the price variation of the table grapes in Taiwan, and to analyze the production cost and revenue of the table grapes in Taiwan. Results of the study were as follow: The main table grape verieties in Taiwan were Kyoho and Italia IP65. In this survey, the two varieties were respectively 31.298 kg and 26.651 kg per hectare in average yields; NT$719,519 and 1,129,828 per hectare in gross revenue; NT$623,413 (632,608) and 633,792 (644,653) per hectare in production cost; and NT$96,106 (86,911) and 496,036 (485,175) per hectare in net revenue. Fox Kyoho grape, as compared by locations. Taichung Prefecture was the highest and Changhwa Preceture was the lowest in production cost, and Nantou Prefecture was the highest and Taichung Prefecture was the lowest in net revenue. As compared by landforms, upland field was the highest and river bed was the lowest in production cost, however, river bed had the highest and upland had the lowest net revenue. Generally speaking, Kyoho grape is still profitable. However, according to this study, from 1972 to 1983, although the annual average price rose, the real price declined. Especially in recent years, both current price and real price declined. Therefore, the benefit-cost ratio was only about 0.86. If seasonal index for farm price was analyzed, the price was the highest in October, and the lowest in July, followed by December as the second lowest. Italia IP65, with a benefit-cost ratio of 1.34 was more profitable than Kyono grape. Therefore, for table grapes, kyoho grape shouldn't be increased in acreage, however if the farmers were able to partially adjust the harvesting season from summer and winter to fall, it would be profitable. In addition, some other Europeon varieties similar to Italia IP65 or some varieties with different color should be developed so that the market might be enlarged.




