  • 期刊


A Study on How Conflict Impacts Staff Working Attitude and Performance- Taking Examples from Merger of Hsin -Kuang and Macoto Banks




In 1997, when the Macoto bank acquired a local credit union and formed a stronger business unit, and along with the implement of related government policy in 2001, the tidal wave of merger has become the non-stoppable trend in Taiwan's financial industry. Therefore, the impact of mergers is definitely a worthy topic for further exploration. This paper will focus on how a merger can be successful, benefit the stockholders and employees, decrease the cost and heighten the revenue, and create the synergy in terms of finance and management for companies. We believe the smooth cooperation between employees is the key to a successful merger. However, after the merger, the employees from both institutions are subject to conflicts created by differences on values, company culture, understanding/ misunderstanding and communication; all these are to affected their performance and then impact on the synergy and success of the merger, hence this study will focus on the types of the conflicts and how the conflicts impact on employees' performance, job satisfaction, job involvement, and how the interference coming from conflict management affect the result. 1. The result is based on 181 valid questionnaire surveys, and calculated using SPSS statistical software to prove my hypothesis. The findings are: 2. The conflicts between employees and their job satisfaction are showing evident negative relation. 3. Conflict management interference is showing evident impact on both conflicts and job satisfaction. 4. Employees' job satisfaction and job involvement are showing clear positive relation. 5. Employees' job satisfaction and performance are showing positive relation. 6. Employees' job involvement and performance are showing positive relation. 7. Job satisfaction has moderate effect on the conflicts between employees and their job involvement. 8. Job satisfaction has moderate effect on the conflicts between employees and their performance. Based on above listed result, we will like to raise the following suggestions to corporations and researchers studying on the same topic: 1. Decrease the conflicts between employees to increase the job satisfaction level. 2. Implement a consulting unit or a counselor to properly handle the conflicts. 3. Enrich the working experience to highten the job involvement level. 4. The key to the success of a merger is based on the satisfaction level of employees (such as inter-personal relations, organization policies, administrative process, and job security). 5. Encourage and compliment the employees to reinforce their value and self-worth, and hence increase the performance as a result. 6. Face the conflicts deriving from the merger and handle them effectively to increase the job satisfaction and job involvement level.
