  • 學位論文


A Study on Using App to Market Fruit in Mainland China

指導教授 : 雷立芬
共同指導教授 : 顏建賢(Chien-Hsien Yen)


水果因為生物特性,不易儲存與運輸,而且必須克服高額運輸費用的問題,因此,國內與農產品相關之電子商務網站多以販售農產加工品為主。不過,社群網站如Facebook的粉絲頁,與消費者直接互動、成交,可以達到宣傳的效果,成為小農銷售高單價的生鮮農產品如有機蔬菜、包裝米,茶葉等的重要通路。 大陸電子商務自90年代中期起步後,即步入快速發展軌道,特別是2005年之後,電子商務市場規模不斷擴大,網路零售配套服務日新月異,廣泛普及到社會經濟生活各個領域,是企業開拓市場、降低營運成本、提高流通效率的新管道,成為拉動大陸內需、發展經濟、優化產業結構的新動力。本研究探討我國農產品透過大陸行動通訊軟體行銷的可行性,以期提供國內業者規劃行銷大陸策略之參酌。 就大陸行動通訊軟體行銷台灣水果的情勢,相對於電商及實體商店而言,具有即時互動,售後服務較即時等優勢。此外行動通訊軟體免付費,提供低成本招攬潛在客戶及拓展新客戶群的機會。惟大陸廣大消費群眾台灣農產品的特色並不完全熟悉,而且透過行動通訊軟體指能行銷在有限社群網絡,曝光度不夠高。因此建議業者應在以下幾點著力:深化行動通訊軟體廣告功能、品牌營造及利用小三通優勢,則可以突破及減少臺灣水果在大陸銷售的限制、並創造較有利的銷售環境。


Because of the biological characteristics of fruit, the fact that it’s hard to store and transport, as well as the issue of high cost on transportation that need to be dealt with, e-commerce websites relating with agricultural products in Taiwan are mainly selling agricultural processed products. However, by using social websites like Facebook fan page, smallholders can interact with consumer and handle order directly, which also has the effect of publicity. Therefore, it became a major channel of selling high-priced raw agricultural products like organic vegetables, packaged rice, tea, etc. to smallholders. E-commerce in China developed e-commerce rapidly starting from its beginning in the mid of 1990s. Especially after 2005, e-commerce market kept expanding continuously. Supporting services of e-tailing evolved with each passing day, and it had been widely available in all walks of life. Therefore, e-commerce became a new way to develop new markets, reduce operating costs, as well as improve circulation efficiency for enterprise. It is also new power for increasing domestic demand and economic development, as well as optimizing industrial structure in China. This study investigates the feasibility of promoting agricultural products by using mobile communication software of China, in order to provide domestic industry the advice of marketing strategies in China. Comparing marketing Taiwan’s fruit by mobile communication software of China with that by electricity supplier and physical store in China, the former has advantages as follow: the real-time interaction and the more immediate after-sales service. Also, the free mobile communication software provides the opportunity of costing less to attract potential customers as well as develop new customers. However, the mass consumers in China are not completely familiar with the specialty of Taiwan’s agricultural products, and the visibility of product is not high through marketing on mobile communication software since products can only be seen on specified social networks. Therefore, it is recommended to take marketing strategies such as deepening the advertising functions of mobile communication software, establishing and maintaining a brand, using the strengths of Mini-three-links. By doing so, we can break through the obstacles and reduce the limit of selling Taiwan’s fruit in China, and to create a more favorable sales environment.


Taiwan’s fruit SWOT App Mobiil Marketing


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