  • 學位論文


The Impact of Senior Citizens Welfare Living Allowance on Private Transfer and Consumption of One-Person Elderly Household

指導教授 : 王宏文


敬老福利生活津貼起源於1990年代各地方政府的老人津貼,於2002年成為全國性政策,服務對象是全國65歲以上符合資格的老人。但在2008年國民年金保險實施後,該津貼已併入年金體制中。本研究欲探討敬老福利生活津貼對不同所得組老人單人戶的私人移轉及消費的影響,並比較地方和中央執行階段的差異。 本研究實證分析家戶收支調查2000、2001、2004、2005、20006年的資料後有四項研究結果。第一,敬老津貼會造成各所得組老人單人戶的淨私人移轉收入減少,且所得越低者越明顯。第二,敬老津貼僅造成中、高所得組老人單人戶的消費增加,且所得越高者越明顯。第三,與地方執行階段相比,在中央執行階段中,敬老津貼造成各所得組老人單人戶的私人移轉和消費的差距較大。第四,敬老津貼無法增加低所得組老人單人戶的生活福祉。


The senior citizens welfare living allowance originated from the elder allowances from local governments in 1990’s , and it became the national policy in 2002.Then, in 2008 when National Pension Insurance came into effect, the senior citizens welfare living allowance was integrated into the pension system. This study investigates the effect of the senior citizens welfare living allowance on private transfer and consumption among the elderly living alone with different income groups, and also investigates the difference between the local government and central government execution period. Analyzing the family income and expenditure survey in 2000, 2001, 2004, 2005, and 2006, there are four findings in this study. The first, the senior citizens welfare living allowance will reduce the net private transfer among the one-person elderly household with all income groups, and the lower the income is, the more net private transfer decreases. The second, the senior citizens welfare living allowance will only increase the consumption among the middle and high-income one-person elderly household, and the more the income is, the more consumption increases. The third, compared with the local government execution period, the senior citizens welfare living allowance leads to bigger differences in private transfer and consumption among one-person elderly household within different income groups in central government execution period. The last, the senior citizens welfare living allowance cannot enhance the well-being of low-income one-person elderly household.


