  • 學位論文


Synthesis and Characterization of Hydroxyl Terminated Polybutadiene Grafted with Ferrocene Derivative

指導教授 : 戴子安


Butacene是經由一連串反應製備而成的燃速調節劑,可以應用在固態複合推進器當作催化劑。本研究目的,我們利用 Friedel-Crafts反應乙醯化 ferrocene得到4-chlorobutyrylferrocene (4CByF),由上述步驟產生的4CByF進行還原反應除去其中之C=O得到產物4-chlorobutyl ferrocene (4CBF),將4-chlorobutyl ferrocene與鎂反應得到其Grignard reagent,此Grignard reagent與chlorodimethylsilane反應生成4-(ferrocenylbutyl) dimethylsilane,接著以 Pt為催化劑,將此ferrocene的矽烷衍生物接枝在HTPB側鏈雙鍵上,最終生成的產物即是我們想要的Butacene。將所得到的Butacene利用FTIR和NMR分析其結構及性質,其鐵含量則由thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) 量測,並與市售Butacene比較其差異性。


Butacene, which can be prepared in a series of reactions, has been used in solid propellant composite as a catalyst to control the burning-rate of a rocket. At first, we synthesized 4-chlorobutylferrocene by using Friedel-Crafts acylation of ferrocene followed by deoxigenation of the acylated ferrocene. The resulting 4-chlorobutylferrocene was to react with magnesium metal by using Grignard reaction to form a corresponding Grignard intermediate compound which can react with chlorodimethylsilane to produce 4-(ferrocenylbutyl) dimethylsilane. Ferrocenehydrosilane were added to the side chain double bonds of hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene (HTPB) using hydrosilylation reaction with Pt as a catalyst to form 4-(ferrocenylbutyl) dimethylsilane-grafted HTPB, which is thus called Butacene. The structure of Butacene will be characterized by using FTIR and NMR. The iron content in the Butacene was verified by using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and found to be comparable to that of the commercial Butacene (SNPE)


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