  • 學位論文


The Study on Professional Competence of School Social Worker in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林萬億


學校社工專業知能包含社會工作實務基本知能及學校領域專業知能,而學校領域知能則有關於學校服務場域及服務對象二部分。專業知能的養成需要透過學校專業教育與實務現場的訓練與經驗累積,學校專業教育應結合課堂與實務現場的知識,傳遞學生實務工作的知能,為進入職場作基礎準備。本研究的目的在探討學校輔導跨專業團隊中,學校社工員所應具備的專業知能及學校社工專業知能的訓練需求,建議符合學校社工專業知能要求的實務訓練規劃。 本研究藉由探討各縣市學校社工員的實務經驗,由學校社工實務現場的角度,整理出學校社工應具備的專業知能及對專業知能的訓練需求。 本研究結果發現分為四部分: 一、受訪學校社工員認為較重要的專業知能有關於服務對象的專業知能和社會工作實務基本知能,認為有關服務場域的學校和教育系統的專業知能重要性較低。至於在學校社工專業知能要素重要性的整體看法,則以價值為最高,其次為技巧,最後為知識。 二、受訪學校社工員在學校專業教育畢業時認為有關學校社工領域的服務對象與服務場域的專業知能具備程度較低,而就專業知能三要素,學校社工員在學校專業教育畢業時的自我評價,以價值為最高,其次為技巧,最後為知識。 三、受訪學校社工員對學校社工專業知能訓練的需求,以有關服務對象學生的專業知能訓練需求較高,而就專業知能三要素則以知識最高,其次為價值,最後為技巧。 四、輔導人員認為學校社工員具備學校服務對象與服務場域的專業知能是重要的,建議在學校專業養成教育開設相關課程與提供實習。 依研究結果提出對於學校社工員、學校專業教育及制度規劃與其他等四方面的建議。


This thesis examines the professional competences and training required for the school social workers working with a multidisciplinary team in schools. According to the findings, a practical training program for school social workers is recommended. Professional competences of school social workers include the essential competence of social work practice and competence of school social work field; the later consists of belonging to school setting and dealing with service users, i.e. students. Practitioners develop professional competence through education and training in the practical field, both of which help accumulate their professional competences and experiences. To investigate the school social worker’s perspectives of professional competence, 159 school workers were surveyed in Taiwan. 96 of the respondents were effective. Professional competences were identified and the need for professional training inducted. The findings of this study are as follows: 1.School social workers considered that the essential competence of social work practice and competence of dealing with service users are more important than the competence of belonging to school setting. In addition, regarding the essential elements of competence in school social work field, the value is the most important then the skill, and the knowledge. 2.School social workers considered that the competence of belonging to school setting and dealing with service users were less adequate while graduated from the professional educational institutions. In addition, as regards the essential elements of competence in school social work field, the value is the highest extent then the skill, and the knowledge. 3.School social workers considered that the requirement of training is higher in competence of dealing with service users. In addition, in this regard the essential elements of competence in school social work field, the knowledge is the highest requirement then the value, and the skill. 4.School counselors considered that the competence of school setting and service users is important for school social workers. Accordingly, they recommended that the educational institutions to offer related courses and practical training for in-training social workers.




