  • 學位論文

為什麼參與了沒感覺? 台東大竹永久屋建築文化語彙重現及部落參與之探討

Something Missing in the Participation: A Study for Representation of Architectural Vocabulary in Tjacuqu Permanent Housing in Taitung

指導教授 : 劉可強


莫拉克風災是台灣首創永久屋政策的開始,在效率重建的目標下,不同地方與族群的永久屋都擁有相同的建築形式,影響原住民族的建築文化傳承,為此,行政院原住民族委員會推動「莫拉克災後重建區原住民部落家屋建築文化語彙重現計畫」作為補救措施,此計畫由家戶採自由意願申請與設計,強調「部落人做部落事」,藉部落換工集體施作的過程凝聚部落意識。台東縣大竹永久屋於入住後參與該計畫,住戶委由三位部落匠師設計,族人透過說故事與參與施作等方式加入計畫,但完工後的成果仍未能改變形式相同的空間,部落內部也出現分歧的意見與衝突。 本研究以大竹永久屋參與此計畫的經驗,以田野觀察及深度訪談永久屋居住者、部落匠師、專案人員、原民會等方式,分析公部門計畫與部落參與之間的關係,探究強調參與的計畫設計與施作原則何以有「參與了沒感覺」的結果。 本研究發現大竹永久屋存在兩個平行且互無交流的營造系統。一是在原民會提出的建築文化語彙重現計畫下所表現的空間營造系統;另一是居住者透過自立搭建與突破建築框架的生活動線維繫日常生活,滿足永久屋空間的不足,而這些用以支撐生活運作的空間形式即是原民會所言之建築文化語彙。 再者,從大竹永久屋參與計畫的過程中發現,計畫提及的兩個原則——說故事與部落換工因源於原住民知識傳承方式及傳統互助模式而能引起參與的共鳴,但長於日常生活、生於環境智慧的原住民知識與文化在行政機器的運作之下卻又流於形式的參與。原住民知識是部落參與的重點,也可發展為參與的方法,但仍需挑戰主流文化與現代國家的定義與制度。


The complementary strategy of the Council of Indigenous Peoples was the promotion of “Representation of Indigenous Architectural Vocabulary in Relocated Village after Typhoon Morakot” project, which encourages households to take part in designing their own house. Using ’Tribe’s Things for Tribesman’ as the slogan, the project sought to form tribe solidity through active participation of tribesmen. It is a remedial measures against the permanent housing without indigenous features has harmful effects on indigenous architectural heritage. Tjacuqu in Taitung participated in the project after they have moved in to the permanent housing: 3 masters in the tribe designed the houses, while other people made their contributions by storytelling and providing labor. When the construction came to an end, however, it did not only fail the expectation of the residents, but also caused division and conflicts in the tribe. Through fieldwork and interviews, the study looks into the tension between government project and tribe participation, resonating the failure of a participation orientated project to involve participants. First, the study shows the residents discontent about the inflexible interior of permanent housing, and their strategic adaptation by building their own exterior space to put things back into places and live their daily lives just as old times. Everything the residents did to cope with the permanent housing was ironically what the Council of Indigenous Peoples advocated of the participation project. Secondly, stressing storytelling and mutual cooperation, the project was successful in terms of encouraging community participation. However, embedded in and developed from daily lives, the indigenous knowledge could not find its place in the administrative apparatus. As a result, the value of tribes participation gradually disappeared during the project, leaving the ideal in void. To be the aim and method of tribes participation, indigenous knowledge is still faced with the constant challenge from mainstream values and the ideal of modern state.


Awi Mona(2009a)。災後重建與人權保障-以原住民族文化為本的思考。臺灣民主季刊,3,179-93。
Awi Mona(2009b)。氣候變遷、生態永續與原住民族社會文化發展:莫拉克風災的反思。台灣原住民研究論叢,6,27-54。
