  • 學位論文


A Study of Optimal Pricing for Sport Stadium-A Case of Gymnasium in NTU Sport Center

指導教授 : 郭佳瑋


隨著時代環境變遷與經濟成長,台灣已從農業社會、勞力密集生產結構轉向高科技社會、資本密集的生產方式,國人的生活型態也隨之轉變,對於國民休閒健康日趨重視,也帶動了運動產業興起、運動人口提升,運動設施需求也逐漸增加,因此各類健康體適能場館、俱樂部等運動場館業如雨後春筍般設立。台大綜合體育館於2001年開始營運,而重訓室自開放以來,辦證會員數每年都在成長,使用人數也不斷上升,目前平日每日使用人數超過承載量,尖峰與離峰時段使用人數呈現不平均分佈。因此本研究希望能解決使用人數過多、尖峰離峰時段使用人數不均的問題,期望藉由調整重訓室票價,依不同時段採取差別定價或是全面調漲但祭出優惠,以平衡不同時段的使用人數,提升重訓室使用品質與舒適度,並達到增加體育館營收之效果。 本研究使用問卷發放,收集消費者需求面願付價格資料,設定三種不同情境,以分析最適入場定價,情境一設定只在尖峰時段(平日下午3點到6點)調漲入場票價,詢問填答者最高願付價格,情境二則是不分時段全面調漲單次票價,但在離峰時段使用會贈送假日體驗券,詢問填答者在此情形下的最高願付價格,情境三全面調漲月票、半年票與年票,但會贈送不同優惠,詢問消費者在不同漲幅下,偏好的優惠方案為何。 透過分析上述三的情境,本研究得出以下結論:(1)在尖峰時段條漲票價是可行的做法,而月票相較於單次票、半年票與年票有更多的調漲空間,(2)全面調漲單次票價不是可行的做法,且贈送假日體驗券對消費者吸引力不高。(3)綜合比較,全面漲價月票、半年票,只在尖峰時段漲價單次票、年票是較合適的做法。


As the economic development, Taiwan has been transformed from an agricultural society to an industrial society. This also means the changing of lifestyle. People spend more time on leisure and sports. The population engaged in sports and leisure increases, and this leads to increasing number of sports stadium and fitness center. National Taiwan University Sports Center (Sports Center) started its operation in 2001. The number of gym members has been increased since the beginning and the users has boosted as well. According to the research in 2011, average daily number of users had exceeded the carrying capacity and the facility utilization rate varied a lot in the peak hours and off hours. This research aims to solve the problem for overloading users and variation in number of users throughout the day at the gym by adjusting entrance fee of the gym, either raising price with special offer or raising price only in peak hours. By doing so, it will balance the number of users in peak, off-peak hours, improve the quality of using experience and further increase revenue of the Sports Center. The research method for this essay is online survey, through which the data of willingness to pay from the demand side is obtained. The survey includes three scenarios, the first scenario is to raise price only in peak hour, the second scenario is to raise price for one time pass for all time, the last one is to raise price for monthly, biannual and annual pass with special offer. Here are main findings in this essay: (1) Raising price during peak hour is workable, (2) raising one time pass for all time is not a suitable method. It will lead to big revenue loss, (3) comparing different scenario, raising all time price for monthly and biannual pass, raising peak hour price for one time and annual pass is a preferable suggestion.


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