  • 學位論文


The Boundaries of Asian American Critique: Reading Ku Yu-ling's Our Stories and Return Home

指導教授 : 柏逸嘉


本論文分析顧玉玲所作創意非小說《我們:移動與勞動的生命記事》(2008/2011) 及《回家》(2014)中對亞際遷移的再現,進而探究亞美批判界限。 論文第一章首先介紹一系列亞美文學研究論述、歷史學家和文化批判家探討亞洲冷戰的斷裂歷史的著作、以及對此斷裂歷史的另類思考途徑,包括Jodi Kim 對亞美批判的重新創制及陳光興提出的亞際參照(inter-referencing)。第二章聚焦於顧玉玲在《我們》一書中對橫跨菲律賓、臺灣、以及中國的移動再現。此章節分析顧玉玲的敘事如何明晰化美國在亞洲的存在,並於其讀者反響產生批判性亞際想像,進而激發不奠基於明顯亞美主體存在的亞美批判。此章節也透過Neferti Tadiar的論述探究《我們》如何介入新自由主義視移工生命為拋棄式勞動時間的時間政治。第三章探討顧玉玲於《回家》中對戰後越南的再現以及其讀者反響和副文本。此章節探究顧玉玲對戰後越南東亞經濟存在以及相對隱晦的美國存在描述手法如何揭露集中於美國帝國主義批判的限制。透過關注形塑亞際關係的複雜力量,本章節試圖重劃亞美批判界限以審視相疊帝國主義間的變動,即便這些變動沒有明確的美國存在。第四章總結本論文並探問:在台灣的外文系探討《我們》及《回家》有何意義?延伸Viet Thanh Nguyen 和 Janet Hoskins對跨太平洋研究的呼籲以及王智明對台灣的亞美學術的檢視,本章節提議透過閱讀顧玉玲的文本不只能促使我們重新思考亞美批判,也能重新審視外文學門。


亞美批判 亞際遷移 冷戰 顧玉玲 我們 回家 移工


This thesis investigates the boundaries of Asian American critique by analyzing representations of inter-Asian migrations in Ku Yu-ling’s creative non-fiction texts Our Stories: Migration and Labour in Taiwan (2008/2011) and Return Home (2014). Chapter One introduces a series of texts that have theorized Asian American literary studies, works of selected historians and cultural critics who have addressed the disconnected histories of the Cold War in Asia, and alternative approaches to consider such disconnected histories including Jodi Kim’s reformulation of Asian American critique and Kuan-Hsing Chen’s concept of inter-referencing. Chapter Two focuses on Ku’s representation of migrations— ranging from the Philippines, Taiwan, and China—in Our Stories. It analyzes how Ku’s narratives render explicit US presence in Asia and generate critical inter-Asian imaginings in their reception, thereby provoking thinking about forms of Asian American critique that are not based on the overt presence of Asian Americans. This chapter also draws upon the work of Neferti Tadiar to investigate how Our Stories envisions an alternative politics of time that intervenes in a neoliberal conceptualization of migrant workers’ lives as disposable labor time. Chapter Three explores Ku’s representation of postwar Vietnam in Return Home as well as its reception and paratexts. It investigates how Ku’s depiction of a relatively implicit US presence and East Asian economic presence in postwar Vietnam uncovers the limits of critiques centered upon US imperialism in Asia. By addressing complex forces that shape inter-Asian relations, this chapter attempts to further remap the boundaries of Asian American critique to examine shifts in intersecting imperialisms, even without the explicit presence of the US. Chapter Four concludes this thesis and asks: what would it mean to investigate Our Stories and Return Home in a department of foreign languages and literatures in Taiwan? Extending Viet Thanh Nguyen and Janet Hoskins’s call for a form of transpacific studies as well as Chih-ming Wang’s examination of Asian American scholarship in Taiwan, it suggests that reading Ku’s texts could stimulate a rethinking of not only Asian American critique but also the discipline of foreign literary studies.


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