  • 學位論文


The Influence of Social Factors on Sharing Economy Platform Engagement and Sharing Intention

指導教授 : 林俊昇


共享經濟(Sharing Economy)的興起,改變了消費者對於資產擁有權的態度,並對傳統租賃產業造成不小的衝擊。共享經濟平台的出現,提供了資源供給方與顧客之間媒合的中介,藉以獲利。然而,過去探討共享經濟之研究,大多著重於從顧客的觀點著手,甚少研究以資源供給方的觀點探討之。此外,亦有研究提出應該要從社交因素的角度探討其對於資源供給方的共享意願之影響。故本研究旨在建立一研究模型,以資源供給方的觀點出發,討論社交因素對於其參與共享經濟平台的程度以及預期情緒的影響,進而強化其共享意圖。本論文針對有參與共享經濟平台的資源供給方進行線上問卷調查,以便利抽樣法回收有效問卷共291份,採用結構方程式(Structural Equation Modeling)的統計分析方法驗證假說。研究結果發現,社會整合需求和社群回饋,皆對於平台參與及預期正向情緒有其重要性,並對共享意圖有正向關係。並提供平台管理者管理與行銷上的建議。


The importance of sharing economy has been emphasized by both scholars and practitioners. The community-based sharing economy platform offers a cyberspace where individuals can share or rent goods and services through peer-to-peer based activities. Previous research exploring sharing economy mainly focuses on possession adopters, ignoring the role of possession providers. Therefore, this research attempts to fill this research gap by constructing a theoretical framework exploring the influence of social factors (i.e., community feedback and social integrative) on provider’s anticipated positive emotion and platform engagement, which in turn, affect their future sharing intention. Survey data collected from 291 possession holders in sharing economy platform was examined through structural equation modeling (SEM). Results demonstrated that social factors indeed influence the possession holder’s anticipated positive emotion and platform engagement, thus, affecting their intentions. Implications, limitations and future research directions are then discussed.


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